1 yr. ago

Trump Crushes Biden in Swing State Showdown, Woos Demographics - Political Action Alerts News
In a recent poll, former President Donald Trump has shown his continued popularity among voters in key swing states, leaving current President Joe Biden trailing in his wake. In Arizona, 39% of likely voters prefer Mr. Trump, while only 34% support Mr. Biden. Similarly, in Georgia, Mr. Trump leads w..
1 yr. ago
Don't let your town go the way of Atlanta, GA https://fortune.com/2023/1...

Local Georgia elections center on housing policy, suburban demographics | Fortune
"I don’t want our city to become a hellhole," says GOP volunteer Betsy Kramer. "I don’t want to become Atlanta."
2 yr. ago
"Target" #Demographics
{#id:10173#} #Pandering {#id:6273#} #TransAgenda Target #TransBathroom #TargetBoycott #BoycottTarget #LGBWithoutTheT #TransWomenAreMen #TransWomenAreConMen #AdultHumanFemale #VoteWithYourWallet #PutYourMoneyWhereYourMouthIs
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
{#id:10173#} #Pandering {#id:6273#} #TransAgenda Target #TransBathroom #TargetBoycott #BoycottTarget #LGBWithoutTheT #TransWomenAreMen #TransWomenAreConMen #AdultHumanFemale #VoteWithYourWallet #PutYourMoneyWhereYourMouthIs
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT