alexbloodfire @alexbloodfire
2 yr. ago
Grab a drink and join me on the following stream tomorrow, Saturday 1st July at 7 pm #TerfIsland time!

Is Joe Biden really the world’s most dangerous trans activist?

Is Nicola Sturgeon a "destroyer of women’s rights”?

And why are British schools hiding teaching materials from parents?

See you all tomorrow at 7 pm!

#JoeBiden {#id:5730#} #Biden #NicolaSturgeon #Scotland #SaveWomensSport #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #GenderIdeology #LetWomenSpeak
Alex Bloodfire's Stream - Let's talk gender ideology 008 - Saturday 2nd July 2022 at 7 pm UK time - YouTube

Join me for an eighth instalment of Let's Talk Gender Ideology!All the latest up-to-date news and developments from around the world from women's rights to c...

alexbloodfire @alexbloodfire
2 yr. ago
A big shout out to all the brave heroes attending Bristol Speakers’ Corner and standing up for women today!

Keep up your excellent work Kellie-Jay Keen thousands of people like me across this world love you, Kellie!!!

And a thunderous boo to the faceless cowards who stand for nothing!

#IStandWithKellieJayKeen #IStandWithPosieParker #Bristol #SpeakersCorner #StandingForWomen #TransWomenAreMen #WomenDontHaveAPenis #KPSS #SaveWomensSports #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #WomensRights
Bristol Speakers’ Corner - YouTube

NEW MERCH!https://www.adulthumanfemale.store/FOLLOW ME!https://www.instagram.com/theposieparker/https://www.tiktok.com/@posieparkeroffical/SUPPORT MY PATREON...

alexbloodfire @alexbloodfire
2 yr. ago
"With each case described in more detail below, here are 98 examples of trans-identified males who have raped, assaulted, abused and/or murdered women and/or children. The thing that never happens…"

#KPSS #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #WomensPrisons #FemalePrisons #Prisons #Jail #Trans #Transgender #TransIdentifiedMales

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