-Vladamir Putin,
Annual Address To The Federal Assembly In Moscow, February 21, 2023
-- Yay, Mom, Dad! Responsible Parents Show Up — Protest City’s Celebration of Deviancy, Perversion
-- Security Officer Will Sacrifice His Life to Save School Children … with One Crucial Qualification …
-- Human Side of LGBTQ ‘Pride’: Loving People, Opposing Deception, Perversion
-- The Gift of Life: Pro-Lifers Efforts Under Literal Attack … but Their Efforts Continue
“The only felony of which we can be certain to come out of this Alvin Bragg prosecution in New York is the felony committed either by DA Bragg himself or someone on the grand jury that he’s using for this perversion of our justice system,”
READ: https://1.breakingheadline...

Trump Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe Says Manhattan DA Indictment Leak Is a ‘Felony’
Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said that the leaking of information suggesting that former President Donald ...
https://1.breakingheadlines.news/iXl2Jo...the first ever hidden camera incursion into the Grove and the bizarre pagan ritual, the Cremation of Care, practiced by its members.
For most of the Club's long history, the public could only speculate as to what these men were doing. Now the truth can finally be revealed. Discover the horror of the secret rituals and strange perversions engaged in at Bohemian Grove.
Original Release: 2000
Get the DVD combo while you still can: https://www.infowarsstore....
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Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove
Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove documented the first ever hidden camera incursion into the Grove and the bizarre pagan ritual, the Cremation of Care, practiced by its members: all men, includi
https://rumble.com/v1pgb0e-dark-secrets-inside-bohemian-grove.htmlSometimes I think, I wish I’d been born in a different time, so I wouldn’t have to face all the twisted perversion and lies that make…

This Is Our Time | New American Prophet (N.A.P.)
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. This is our time and we’ve been placed here to do His will, in such a time as this.
https://new.americanprophet.org/this-is-our-time/In a time where defiant, God-hating, lying, perverted humans have declared the death of the Biblical God–He Who is eternally unchanging Reality, the Source of…

How Truth, Meaning, and Reality Have Been Perverted | N.A.P.
Instead of unchanging Reality, there is chaos. Only in the context of reality-affirming truth can we see how far word definitions have fallen into perverse malice.

Out of Bounds: No Gov't Authority, Culture Has Right to Declare Perversion Is A-Okay » DailySurge
It is Out of Bounds for any Court, Legislature or President to Declare Perversion Is acceptable.
https://dailysurge.com/2022/08/out-of-bounds-no-govt-authority-culture-has-right-to-declare-perversion-is-a-okay/I realize this issue is debatable, delicate, and as dangerous as an attempt to shave a bobcat in a phone booth. Millennials should do their…

No court, legislature, or president can approve perversion
No court, legislature, or president has a right to decide on perversion—let alone approve it. If a million experts claim an error, no one is going to believe it.

No, It’s Not the Economy Stupid – It’s the Raging Perversion
In God’s economy, those eight concerns would all be last on the list and our moral behaviors would rest high on the top of the list–as number one. Read detail.
https://new.americanprophet.org/no-its-not-the-economy-stupid-its-the-raging-perversion-moral-depravity-and-transgender-mutilation-of-our-own-children/Steve Pauwels/Managing Editor
-- Society that Forbids ‘Ughh’ Reaction to P*rversion Is in Big Trouble
“Amidst all this rainbow-colored confetti-throwing, take a gander at any online photo of "Rachel Levine". Pick one, any one. Next, try to sincerely convince yourself: "Nothing at all weird or off-kilter about that." Go ahead, just try.”
-- Tragedy Then and Now: Russians Know Death Unlike Any Other People

Society that Forbids ‘Ughh’ Reaction to P*rversion Is in Big Trouble » DailySurge
Any Society that Forbids Folks from Expressing a natural "Ughh" Reaction to Perversion Is headed for serious trouble.
https://dailysurge.com/2022/03/society-that-forbids-folks-from-expressing-ughh-reaction-at-perversion-is-in-trouble/These people are sick.
And they're after our children.
Have nothing to do with Disney nor any of their media partners, rather EXPOSE THEM!
Crimes against children will unite humanity.
This includes pedophilia, child sex trafficking, masks, vaccines, and every form of demonic indoctrination!
They are exposing our children to these perversions to morally bankrupt the future of our nation.
This is a battle of Good vs. Evil. It's a battl