SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
4 days ago
Me hard core SELF denying Warrior 4 Jesus/Holy Trinity - humble enough 2 deem like James Logan Howlett Wolverine (Hugh Michael Jackman), "Help ME?, HELP THEM!" < fill in blanks amidst USA-globally, fellow local homeless amidst you, etc. Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR eternal Soul, thus NO SELF preservation), Luke 17:21-22 (The Kingdom of God is in me) Hebrews 11:1 (WHAT faith is). I'll live 4 a temporary Time, &/or eventually die. Talk about like hard core SELF deny Heaven's Warrior angel's PLUS 4 Holy retributionary Horsemen (terminator's of all terminator's) Coming! It's solely alone-only about God's Holy eternal overall well B-ing 2 care about & appease, NOT (human) SELF! WE CLEAR?!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
7 days ago
Sigh & this just 1 of capable = Uh Brother Bob Lee 'the Nailer' Swagger (Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg) via the God given Power-Authority 2 do so of the human weeds amidst a garden - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
Shooter: Lodge massacre - YouTube

Bob Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) enters the lodge where Johnson (Danny Glover) and Meachum (Ned Beatty) are celebrating their victory. Bob kills everybody and bur...

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
10 days ago
Solely alone only BEST SONG EVER 'Mick' did & could 1 PLEASE tell Sis-Sister AJ (Angelina Jolie Voight) that Michael Philip Jagger is LOOKING 4 her, THANK U, God bless in Jesus, stay safe out there, smile - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
The Rolling Stones - Anybody Seen My Baby - OFFICIAL PROMO - YouTube

- A brand new studio album from The Rolling Stones… Hackney Diamonds ?Out October 20th & available to pre-order now:https://therollingstones.lnk.to/HackneyD...

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 days ago
(Mary did U know, Michael English) as in Jesus's mother, not the other Mary ie: Mary Magdalene. And regarding the homeless U-ANY see, USA-globally, may I offer some advice? Try assuming initially that 1 is homeless because of NO SELF fault via (?) say, 1 didn't have any legal, misc recourse against a past slumlord, though it could be various else I know BUT my point nevertheless is 20 centuries-2,000 years & them B4 us long ago (despite ole expression tick tock 'Time' flies as they verbally say), all closed their doors (homes, inn's, misc) 2 even HOMELESS Joseph & pregnant Mary about 2 give birth in the-her month of carrying & 2 Holy retributionary Eyes of Fire, Holy Majesty-King of Kings Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God. Mary, Did You Know? - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
Mary, Did You Know? - YouTube

Provided to YouTube by Curb RecordsMary, Did You Know? · Michael EnglishMichael English℗ Curb Records, Inc.Released on: 1992-02-18Artist: Michael EnglishAuto...

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 days ago
4 ANY 1 that's Christian & claims 2 B in & of Jesus-Holy Trinity, stay nigh-near 2 HIM daily (ie: preserve) & know (faithfully via Hebrews 11:1) that you're-ALL OUR 'SHIP' will eventually come in - Michael English, “Gospel Ship”: https://www.youtube.com/wa...
Gospel Ship - YouTube

Provided to YouTube by Curb RecordsGospel Ship · Michael EnglishGospel℗ Curb Records, Inc.Released on: 1998-10-13Artist: Michael EnglishAuto-generated by You...

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 days ago
WELL well well, SURE, Columbo (detective) but with wing's (being the assigned accompanying Angel unto Sam & Dean Winchester (brother's), he's STILL One (ie: Castiel - Dmitri Misha Collins) of vast & various Angel's I WOULDN'T want to piss off (anger) ie: Arch Angel Michael, etc however separate of the 4 Coming Holy retributionary (terminators of all terminators-maids & janitors upon us ALL ie: literal CEASING) Horsemen. MY PHOTOS via my other social media profiles
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 days ago
Like Dean Michael Winchester (Jensen Ross Ackles) kissing God's TRUE HONEST Word-Holy Bible B.asic I.nstructions B4-B.efore L.eaving E.arth; YEA that's what God THOUGHT, corpse human & even then, STOP using prayer like rubbing (convenient) Genie bottle, YEAH DAMN right KISS IT!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 days ago
Gary Michael Null is an American talk radio host and author who advocates pseudoscientific alternative medicine and produces a line of questionable dietary supplements - https://garynull.com/
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
Mary did U know (as in Jesus's mother, not the other Mary ie: Magdalene), Michael English - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
Mary, Did You Know? - YouTube

Provided to YouTube by Curb RecordsMary, Did You Know? · Michael EnglishMichael English℗ Curb Records, Inc.Released on: 1992-02-18Artist: Michael EnglishAuto...

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
4 ANY 1 that's Christian & claims 2 B in & of Jesus-Holy Trinity, stay nigh-near 2 HIM daily (ie: preserve) & know (faithfully via Hebrews 11:1) that you're-ALL OUR 'SHIP' will eventually come in - Michael English, “Gospel Ship”: https://www.youtube.com/wa...
Gospel Ship - YouTube

Provided to YouTube by Curb RecordsGospel Ship · Michael EnglishGospel℗ Curb Records, Inc.Released on: 1998-10-13Artist: Michael EnglishAuto-generated by You...

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
The One True John Connor Leader of the Resistance literally NONE other than solely alone-ONLY Michael David Edwards & CAN'T NEVER EVER B another like him as I FEEL internally within-inside him BUT me & what army sigh DAMN IT, worse Coming; HAIL JESUS - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
The One True John Connor Leader of the Resistance - YouTube

Michael David Edwards as General John Connor in Terminator 2: Judgment Day

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
19 days ago
& sign huh Me hard core SELF denying Warrior 4 Jesus/Holy Trinity - humble enough 2 deem like James Logan Howlett Wolverine (Hugh Michael Jackman), "Help ME?, HELP THEM!" As STILL MUCH MORE worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation despite me B-ing Daily & relentlessly Hard core SELF denying, single-celibate (me NO shacking up NOR human breeding), tired, frail, straight-hetrosexual, alpha male old dying man, Luke 9:24-Hebrews 11:1-Luke 17:21-22 & Luke 12:51, Warrior allegiance, Christian Caliphate-Jihadism, wrath of Achilles, I-me rise 4 Holy Majesty - King Jesus as HE'S ALL I solely alone care about & literally NOTHING is more important than ONLY HIM, NOT even me via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 = NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul!
Alexander Rogge
10 months ago
The third Guest Artist Recital of The U.S. Army Band 2024 American Trombone Workshop featured Jeff Gittleson & Alex Felker playing Angel's Tango by Steven Verhelst, SSG Kyle Price & SSG Michael Burner playing Red Spain by Nicola Ferro, Matthew Ethier & pianist Topher Ruggiero playing Thoughts of Love by Arthur Pryor, and John Gruber & pianist Topher Ruggiero playing Romance by William Grant Still. #ArmyMusic #OberlinCollege #Oberlin #BassTrombone #Trombone #ATW #ATW2024 #music
Alexander Rogge
10 months ago
The Shenandoah Trombone Choir featured music by Paul Hindemith, Norman Bolter, Manny Albam, James Stephenson, Leslie Bricusse, Hoagy Carmichael, Eric Whitacre, Brandon DuBritton, and Jeff Cortazzo at The U.S. Army Band 2024 American Trombone Workshop; Talbot Jennings & Brittany Lasch, soloists. #ShenandoahConservatory #ShenCoMusic #TromboneChoir #Trombone #ATW2024 #ATW #music
Patrick McCaffery
10 months ago
One America News
11 months ago
Whistleblower Claims Michael Avenatti Said Michael Cohen Had Affair With Stormy Daniels Since 2006, Planned Trump Extortion Deal Before 2016 Election https://www.oann.com/newsr...
Ricchiuti N K
11 months ago
" Italian politics have had men like that for centuries. THERE! THE TRUE MAFIA! " - Don Michael Corleone as Al Pacino
One America News
11 months ago
RNC Elects Lara Trump And Michael Whatley As New Leaders https://www.oann.com/newsr...
One America News
11 months ago
Filmmaker Michael Moore Says ‘White European Christians’ Are To Blame For Jewish Persecution, Not Hamas https://www.oann.com/newsr...
Patrick McCaffery
12 months ago
Alex Jones
12 months ago
Watch: Michael Rapaport Admits He Was Duped by MSM’s ‘Very Fine People’ Trump Hoax https://www.infowars.com/p...
Alexander Rogge
12 months ago
The U.S. Army Blues Swamp Romp featured tubists Matt Perrine, Tom Holtz, and Dr. Michael Nickens, a New Orleans farewell to retiring SGM Graham Breedlove with SGM (Ret.) Christal Rheams & Tony Nalker, and audience members joining the tuba trio at The U.S. Army Band 2024 Tuba-Euphonium Workshop. #NewOrleans #MilitaryMusic #ArmyBlues #SwampRomp #Jazz #Sousaphone #Tuba #Euphonium #TEW2024 #TEW #music
Alexander Rogge
12 months ago
The 8th Green Machine Regiment Band from George Mason University, comprising Stephen Cannistraci, Hunter Swanson, CMSgt (Ret.) David Porter, MGySgt Mark Jenkins, SSG Andrew Dougherty, Dr. Michael Nickens, and led by Dr. Chris Troiano, featured instruments and 19th-century brass band music arranged by George W. Stratton at The U.S. Army Band 2024 Tuba-Euphonium Workshop. #GMRegimentBand #BrassBand #PeriodInstruments #GMUGreenMachine #GMU #GoMason #MasonMusic #MasonNation #GetPatriotic #TEW2024 #TEW #music
Alexander Rogge
12 months ago
The first Military Recital of The U.S. Army Band 2024 Tuba-Euphonium Workshop featured the works of Astor Piazzolla, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Sam Pilafian, Eleanor Brimblecombe, Jinnawat Mansap, James Barnes, and Carl Höhne played by MU1 Daniel Mentzer, MU1 Michael Fleming, the 25th Infantry Division “Tropic Lightning” Tuba/Euphonium Quartet, SSG Marc Placencia, and MU1 Andrew Lyster. #NavyBand #GoNavy #ArmyBand #GoArmy #TropicLightning #Quartet #MilitaryMusic #Euphonium #Tuba #TEW2024 #TEW #music
Twisted Eagle
1 yr. ago
Graves warned he will investigate and prosecute thousands of individuals who did not enter the building that day.

The government argues that the grounds around the Capitol were off-limits because Vice President Michael Pence, a protectee of the Secret Service, was there.

One America News
1 yr. ago
Michael Bolton Announces Brain Tumor Diagnosis, Recuperating After ‘Successful’ Surgery   https://www.oann.com/newsr...
Harry Two
1 yr. ago
January 3, 2024 #breakingnews #NewYorkPost realDonaldTrump warroom RayUCFT aljp
Epstein victim told Clinton 'likes them young' as explosive doc dump name drops 170 of infamous pedophile's visitors, including Michael Jackson https://nypost.com/2024/01... via nypost
One America News
1 yr. ago
Michael Cohen Loses Appeal To Revive Retaliation Claim Against Trump https://www.oann.com/newsr...
One America News
1 yr. ago
Michael Cohen Admits To Accidentally Filing Fraudulent, AI Generated Case Citations https://www.oann.com/newsr...
David Houston
1 yr. ago
NEUROHACKING! Dr. Michael Nehls, author of "The Indoctrinated Brain," reveals how the global mind manipulation psyop works

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