1 yr. ago
Fabric and disposable #Masks are #useless against a #virus
{#id:2695#} #COVID19 #Masking #FaceDiaper #UselessConfirmity #sheeple #BlindObedience #MasksSavedNoOne #CompleteGroupPhoto
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
{#id:2695#} #COVID19 #Masking #FaceDiaper #UselessConfirmity #sheeple #BlindObedience #MasksSavedNoOne #CompleteGroupPhoto
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
2 yr. ago
Sadly truth will win and these more likely be force to call as covid-19 vaccine death ( murder ) Let them keep being stupid I say Here We Go: 'Experts' Now Warn Cold Showers Are Causing Heart Attacks In Young Adults
https://www.thegatewaypund... Helping us awaken the sheeples
https://www.thegatewaypund... Helping us awaken the sheeples
2 yr. ago
All I know we can do is pray for the sheeples TO WAKE UP For the Lord loves the sheeples but gave them a free will let's remember and can sadly choose stupidity over truth
2 yr. ago
2 yr. ago
When will the sheeples wake up on what trying to do to the world ?
2 yr. ago
2 yr. ago
After today lesson a sheeple sadly be a sheeple But will not STOP me as I receive truth I will share Pray wakes up some sheeples from their slumber into seeking out the truth Amen/ https://www.redvoicemedia....
2 yr. ago
Today lesson from " ME TIME " for truth now out there Becomes your choice to receive or reject Sadly many well choose to remain a sheeple = A FOOL in the eyes of the Lord Amen /
2 yr. ago
I will never understand why many became sheeples https://b2tneighborhood.co... over going down the demonic rabbit hole for truth We must continue to lift the lid As we receive truth post to the world
2 yr. ago
With truth breaking through now Be not surprise Stephen Colbert Tests Positive For COVID, Says He's 'Grateful To be Vaxxed And Boosted'
https://www.thegatewaypund... Those who brag public drop dead public
God wants to wake up the sheeples
https://www.thegatewaypund... Those who brag public drop dead public
God wants to wake up the sheeples
3 yr. ago
When will the sheeples finally wake up ?
Going down the demonic rabbit hole for truth ?
FDA approves covid breathing testing or not approve ?????
Going down the demonic rabbit hole for truth ?
FDA approves covid breathing testing or not approve ?????
3 yr. ago
I'm praying this gets the sheeples RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH for themselves For proven the world has been lied to over the Covid-19 vaccine Whether this is false or true This becomes a WAKE UP CALL for the world https://www.brighteon.com/...
3 yr. ago
My prayer is simple this new finding Whether proven false or true Awaken the sheeples to go down the demonic rabbit hole for truth . RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH PRAY PRAY RE-PRAY
3 yr. ago
ME: They come right out and tell you... and sheeple STILL can't hear them...
GOOD vs Evil they are now exposed http://www.cwbit.uk
GOOD vs Evil they are now exposed http://www.cwbit.uk
3 yr. ago
A tyranny "for your own good"
{#id:99#} #Neverending #busybodies #ForYourOwnGood #Sheep #sheeple #quotes #Quote #CSLewis #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
{#id:99#} #Neverending #busybodies #ForYourOwnGood #Sheep #sheeple #quotes #Quote #CSLewis #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT