Soldier Goes To Order Taco Bell Meal, Stops Cold When He Hears 2 Boys
This is why America is great! This is why I get so angry at biden for helping the criminals flooding our borders and all the free stuff they get! When this man retires, our current Admin will just shit all over him and let him and his family live on the streets. While illegals $4 k month plus freebies for illegally crossing our border! HOW CAN YOU NOT BE MAD AND HATE BIDEN?
#BidenSucks #BidenCrimeFamily #BidenPedophile #JoeBiden
This is why America is great! This is why I get so angry at biden for helping the criminals flooding our borders and all the free stuff they get! When this man retires, our current Admin will just shit all over him and let him and his family live on the streets. While illegals $4 k month plus freebies for illegally crossing our border! HOW CAN YOU NOT BE MAD AND HATE BIDEN?
#BidenSucks #BidenCrimeFamily #BidenPedophile #JoeBiden
2 yr. ago