& regarding LGBTQiA, God set the example 2 us ALL connected as a whole NECLEUS species-humanity via Holy Bible's Genesis 19, DON'T U youngster's out there USA-globally think 4 a moment that this is normal cuz it's NOT, it's humanity (itself) STILL NOT after centuries we humanity doing OUR NON voluntary-NON optional representing daily job with EVERY tick tock temporary - momentary ie: 'Time' that goes by as THAT of dying non human innocent Earth rotates 4 a temporary Time, SERIOUSLY ponder & contemplate that God's literal exhibited temporary patience & held back Holy retributionary wrath (anger) WON'T last 4ever like sand in a temporary hourglass as a footstool under HIS Holy feet = DON'T PISS HIM OFF!
2 yr. ago