LGBTQiA 2 words: GENESIS 19! < they, porn industry, etc past-2 date BROKE the moral codes set 4th by God! ABORTION SIMPLY FLAT OUT PREMEDITATED MURDER - Planned Parenthood past exposed videos of butchering human fetus 4 $ profit & R NOT suppose 2 literally exist: weeds of garden! NO LGBTQiA, NO Porn, raise & teach them right! And STOP abusing the Holy deemed symbol: RAINBOW, it was & is ONLY deemed 4 that God no flood the non human innocent Earth again! God (maid-janitor) destroyed THEIR ugh long ago & like weeds of garden = worse than ever! WE CLEAR?! THEIR trying 2 BRING BACK (just 2 spite God, like Devil) S & G ie: Genesis 19 that God destroyed = worse is Coming!
1 yr. ago