November 17, 2023 #PeterNavarrosTakingBack realDonaldTrump warroom RayUCFT aljp
The Automatic Destabilizers of a Stagflationary Economy--Navarro’s Market Rap
Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America
The Automatic Destabilizers of a Stagflationary Economy--Navarro’s Market Rap
Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America
Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America: The Automatic Destabilizers of a Stagflationary Economy--Navarro’s Market Rap on Apple Podcasts
READ THE TRANSCRIPT AT HTTP://PETERNAVARRO.SUBSTACK.COM Hi. Peter Navarro here with this week’s economy and market rap for the week ending November 17, 2023. And yes, after a surprise sharp rally over the last three weeks that tallied up almost $3 trillion in gains for stocks, the S&P 500 gappe..
1 yr. ago