& like with amidst Holy Bible's Genesis 19, when THEY of LGBTQiA 'DID' (sexually sadistically, misc) all else fellow human & other non human (life ie: animal's) did THEY deem, un2 old man Pops Lot & the passers by (visitor's), "Bring (non voluntarily-non optionally) YO (fellow human & other non human (life ie: animal's) so WE (THEY above) can DO (sexually sadistically, misc) all else ie: just nothing is enough despite, misc U ALL past since-2 date, what about until DEATH do U BOTH individually apart ie: DEAD, do U clearly NOT understand-GET-comprehend?! Ugh whatever, B GONE, I NEVER KNEW U! & YEAH I JUST DID though YEAH I'm NOT better than ANY & just as imperfect I'm NOT doing what U ALL do, me (straight-hetrosexual, single alpha male do or die trying SELF deny-celibate, just another mere mist temporary NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, dust & ash corpse) tired frail, NOT sharpest tool in the shed of a old man!
1 month ago