Sigh huh, POLITICS is JUST merely (WAY different that what say, USA's Founding Father's intended) but a sick ruse-facade-mirage-smoking mirror's-smoke screen's-never let 1 hand see what the other is doing-of ever more Coming exhibited literal kill or B killed-distractions game in USA's (?), Las Vegas in REAL tick tock 'Time' (flies) doing it ALL LIVE whether $ pay per view or otherwise & it = REAL cause & effect repercussion's with-of literal bloodshed & innocent loss of life-carelessly & senselessly robbing-stealing & cutting any & all God given life short as it were that & with ALLOWED by ALL USA-globally sadistic (deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others) NO even B-gins 2 scratch the surface!
25 days ago