Basic Doctrine's of the True Christian Faith - Most - majority of the traditional holiday's & ritual's of the Christendom R of pagan origin & have literally - honestly - truthfully NO scriptural basis 4 their observance. The Catholic church added these (over past historically-2 date like weed's amidst a garden like evil & unholy human adult's ie: those prior 2 the past Flood via Noah & even then like amidst Book of Revelations & Deuteronomy: 1 must NOT add 2 or take away from - of Holy Bible via Revelation 22:19 & separately Deuteronomy 4:2). The Vatican (top-down USA-global churches leading us all masses like sheep 2 eventual Coming slaughter) think their infallibility (incapable of error : unerring. an infallible memory. : not liable to mislead, deceive, or disappoint Holy Trinity), THEY ALL R unholy wrong even un2 this day in age (year) AD.
24 days ago