A big shout out to all the brave heroes attending Bristol Speakers’ Corner and standing up for women today!
Keep up your excellent work Kellie-Jay Keen thousands of people like me across this world love you, Kellie!!!
And a thunderous boo to the faceless cowards who stand for nothing!
#IStandWithKellieJayKeen #IStandWithPosieParker #Bristol #SpeakersCorner #StandingForWomen #TransWomenAreMen #WomenDontHaveAPenis #KPSS #SaveWomensSports #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #WomensRights
Keep up your excellent work Kellie-Jay Keen thousands of people like me across this world love you, Kellie!!!
And a thunderous boo to the faceless cowards who stand for nothing!
#IStandWithKellieJayKeen #IStandWithPosieParker #Bristol #SpeakersCorner #StandingForWomen #TransWomenAreMen #WomenDontHaveAPenis #KPSS #SaveWomensSports #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #WomensRights
2 yr. ago