July 14, 2022
Free the Children Homeschool Summit
How government schools are purposefully designed to dumb down your kids.
And why homeschooling is your best chance to restore your child’s natural curiosity, intelligence, and freedom
Government schools aren't just failing to educate your kids...they're actively harming them.
School is transforming kids from naturally curious learners into obedient drones to serve corporations and the government
The free homeschool summit will show you how to undo the damage of public schools...
...and give you a proven path to raising happy, healthy, bright, and independent kids (the way they’re supposed to be)
Full summit description and signup:
July 14, 2022
Free the Children Homeschool Summit
How government schools are purposefully designed to dumb down your kids.
And why homeschooling is your best chance to restore your child’s natural curiosity, intelligence, and freedom
Government schools aren't just failing to educate your kids...they're actively harming them.
School is transforming kids from naturally curious learners into obedient drones to serve corporations and the government
The free homeschool summit will show you how to undo the damage of public schools...
...and give you a proven path to raising happy, healthy, bright, and independent kids (the way they’re supposed to be)
Full summit description and signup:
2 yr. ago