Heidi Parker
They said I did not obey authority https://b2tneighborhood.co...
so blocked banned me completely But saw changes were needed
and was receiving feedback . Doing the changes and loving the
changes and more changes are happening with ministry .

Sadly there will be a negative ripple effect For was not allowed .
Like one time there then vanish disappears completely This sadly
will touch many lives in negative ways for certain . Just let the Lord
cover this in a warm blanket of love as did for me .

Yes I weep over this
To remain with a pliable teachable moldable spirit
BUT MUST GO FORWARD in the Lord's army
Connected to : https://www.christiansocia...
For Prayer :
2 yr. ago
Heidi Parker @ucanbeasurvivor
2 yr. ago
In response Heidi Parker to her Publication
( Honesty Policy ) Was I moldable pliable teachable through this storm ? Do I allow my Lord to shine brightly through the storm ?