#BrowardCounty #Florida #policemisconduct #Police #Misconduct #Malfeasance #Lies #Incompetence #WrongPerson #MistakenIdentity #Identity #ArrestWarrant #Warrant #FalseArrest #WrongfulArrest #WrongfulImprisonment #JailConditions #Jail #InstituteForJustice #FourthAmendment #civilrights #Lawsuit #Law
Wrong Mom Arrested on Christmas Eve | 75 Hour Jail Nightmare | Help Her Get Justice - The Civil Rights LawyerThe Civil Rights Lawyer
What was supposed to be a joyous Christmas celebration turned into a nightmare for Jennifer Heath Box, when Broward County, Florida, sheriff’s deputies arrested her and threw her in jail for three days—all because they refused to check their paperwork to make sure they had the right person. Because .. Hate, Bad Love - Dr. Rich Swier
“Love” is considered a virtue, while “hate” is considered a vice. But not all forms of love are good, and not all hates are bad. If you love to set, Trans-activists and Communist Action - Dr. Rich Swier
The slippery slope towards total loss of parental rights through pedophile activism and Trans-mammals. 1. This is not a coincidence. Details of all the wrong involvements of the Israeli Supreme Court by Gali Ben Horin - Dr. Rich Swier
The following are the wrong involvements of the Israeli High Court of Justice/ Supreme Court: The left wings reject the need to improve the judicial Murderer of 5-Year-Old Girl Caught Hiding in Maternity Ward - Dr. Rich Swier
Justice comes for a Hamas child killer. On a Sabbath morning, three Islamic terrorists invaded the Israeli village of Adora located in the Judean judge accuses the DOJ of hypocrisy for ‘flouting’ Biden impeachment inquiry subpoenas via nypost
Federal judge accuses the DOJ of hypocrisy for ‘flouting’ Biden impeachment inquiry subpoenas
A federal judge scolded the Justice Department on Friday for refusing to allow attorneys involved in the Hunter Biden investigation to comply with subpoenas issued by House Republicans. Biden Make It To The 2024 Election? The Stone ZONE w/ Roger Stone
Will Biden Make It To The 2024 Election? The Stone ZONE w/ Roger Stone
Guest host Troy Smith discusses the 2024 election, and whether Joe Biden will even make it that far, along with the news of the day. Show Sponsors: Promo code STONE https:/ lawsuit: Feds concealed evidence that could help Trump | WND | by Bob Unruh
One of the many lawfare campaigns against President Donald Trump launched be his enemies in the Democrat party is one claiming he illegally kept government documents when he left office. study confirms 'gender-confused' children mostly 'grow out of it' | WND | by Bob Unruh
In direct opposition to the suspect claims of transgender activists that children who are "gender-confused" must have medical "care" that goes up to and include surgical body mutilations, a new 15-year study confirms that most of those kids, if left alone, "grow out of it.&q.. students took turns forcibly penetrating 3rd-grade girl in restroom, blocked her escape, got 1-day suspensions: Lawsuit | Blaze Media
A lawsuit claims four students took turns forcibly penetrating a third-grade girl in a restroom stall, blocked her escape, and received one-day suspensions, OregonLive reported.The lawsuit claims employees of both Portland Public Schools and a Multnomah County-sponsored after-school program operated.. State Department officials told House investigators they created Afghanistan withdrawal plans from scratch | CNN Politics
Hours of closed-door testimony from three top State Department officials shed new light on the “unprecedented” situation in the final days of the US presence in Afghanistan as the officials were rushed to the country with virtually no time to prepare and no established emergency evacuation plan.. Details:
Biden Regime Builds a ‘Climate’ Youth Army - Dr. Rich Swier
The Biden regime shoved this line item into their obscene bankrupting, bloated budget – an unimaginable eight billion billion dollars to fund a
A Constant Assault on Truth: Trans-Unawareness Is Hardly a Pressing Problem – Striker Journal
By Allan Erickson Striker Summary: The assertions of transgender ideology attack the very basics of God’s word, i.e., the Bible. The Biden Administration’s proclamation of Easter Sunday as “Transgender Visibility Day” intensified that attack. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journ..
Solar Eclipse Not Only Outbreak of Darkness Next Week … Watch Out for Trans ‘Day of Silence’ … – Striker Journal
By Linda Harvey Striker Summary: Appalling LGBTQ tyranny continues to reveal itself in America’s schools: Next Week features gender-confusion promoting ‘Day of Silence’ among students. The column below brought to you courtesy of Striker Journal ... Sign up to receive email notifications of eac.. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green on 'Tucker Carlson Uncensored' Topic: Speaker Mike Johnson - Dr. Rich Swier
“Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without not take your eyes off Ukraine: It’s still the most likely to trigger WWIII - Dr. Rich Swier
This guest post by Jim Rickards is spot on in its analysis of the Russia-Ukraine war and its potential to explode into something much bigger. He spells K. Rowling’s courageous stand for truth - Dr. Rich Swier
This year’s was a particularly memorable April Fools’ Day. First, Scotland’s new Hate Crime and Public Order Act came into force, making it illegal to Report Examines Unprecedented Abuse of Parole by the Biden Administration - Dr. Rich Swier
In addition to its well-documented and highly visible open-borders policies, the Biden administration has been quietly abusing its very limited parole American Children, a.k.a. Saving America. - Part 1 - Dr. Rich Swier
We all agree that “Our children are our future.” However, many of us then make the fatal mistake of saying something like: “Yes, but it’s a long way off in The Netherlands - Dr. Rich Swier
In my country, The Kingdom of The Netherlands, there are tens of thousands of people that live on the street. These downtrodden fellow countrymen of mine Masih Alinejad explains why the people of Iran danced after the death of Qassem Soleimani - Dr. Rich Swier
Iranian journalist and activist and President of the @WLCongress Masih Alinejad, "I will explain why the people of Iran danced after the death of Qassem close and too personal with America's fentanyl epidemic — where New York is ground zero via nypost
Up close and too personal with America's fentanyl epidemic — where New York is ground zero
New York Post columnist Douglas Murray visited a supervised injection site in Manhattan and talked with a former drug dealer to get a first person account of the country's deadly fentanyl epidemic. Diddy Going Down For Sex Trafficking? Investigative Journalist Liz Crokin Enters The StoneZONE!
Is Diddy Going Down For Sex Trafficking? Investigative Journalist Liz Crokin Enters The StoneZONE!
Roger Stone is joined by investigative journalist Liz Crokin to discuss the sex trafficking investigation into Sean 'Diddy' Combs, along with other topics such as Jeffrey Epstein, Jay Z, Nickelodeon a Declares November 5 ‘Christian Day of Visibility’ - Dr. Rich Swier
In response to incumbent President Joe Biden naming Easter Sunday the national “Transgender Day of Visibility,” former President Donald Trump is declaring Application Now Allows for ‘X’ Gender Designation - Dr. Rich Swier
The Biden administration is allowing immigrants applying for U.S. citizenship to identify as an “X” gender on their paperwork. U.S. Customs and'Biden plotting a Color Revolution in Israel to oust Netanyahu while the country is at war! - Dr. Rich Swier
Breitbart reports on the U.S. plan to topple Israel's government. On April 3rd, Breitbart published an article quoting top Israeli journalist Caroline House Announces Plan To Protect Bureaucrats From Being Fired By New Trump Admin - Dr. Rich Swier
President Joe Biden’s administration announced its plan on Thursday to protect bureaucrats from being fired by a potential second Trump administration.
Did You Hear About This Week? Time to Honor Responsible Adults … – Striker Journal
By The Ruth Institute Striker Summary: Joe Biden recently declared the need to offer more visibility to “Transgender” individuals. When does society begin to honor responsible adults who live their productive lives without attention-seeking? Here is one way to do that … The column below brought to ..‘Border Needs To Be Closed’: Voter Gives MSNBC Host Earful On Immigration - Dr. Rich Swier
A Florida voter told MSNBC host Jose Diaz-Balart that not closing the southern border was “unsafe” for the country in an interview that aired Wednesday.