YEA me touched with daily job: Holy advocacy but me no (NON voluntary-NON optional of majority 8 billion + capable adults USA-globally) army under MY via Holy Trinity Command but nevertheless (forced like ANY 1 USA-globally) 2 witness ALL this til worse Coming! THIS ALL ENDS 1 WAY! As with ALL THEY-THEIR (fill in blank's, name THEM) have done-doing that U can discussion wise convey, THAT'S THE POINT, 2 literally CEASE majority of humanity THEM THEMSELVES via Devil laughing up that we're doing via ALLOWING, it's job 4 it! Worse coming long B4 Jesus returns!
I'm (me) temporarily here 4 a Time & NOT ANY 1 special-just a NObody, old frail dying man BUT via me daily = Holy Advocacy, all I care about is Holy Trinity & what ANY of U do with HIS Holy intel is up 2 U; sigh PLEASE use it wisely 4 YO Soul's sake -
I don't know WHY, amidst basic training, whether police & even military - isn't MANDATORY like even if need B jumping from a rope un2 another nearby rope ie: Carol Susan Jane Danvers (Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers Brie Larson) DID thus, NO excuse's otherwise One's OUT - max body weight for working in the field otherwise assisted to desk duty, onsite HQ, misc. Behavioral Analysis id profiling skills, which is different than i.a. - internal affair's & then PLUS - Learn & use properly Martial arts / SELF defense ie: Jason Bourne & Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff aka: Black Widow, watch your OWN back ie: eyes & ears everywhere around you. AND NO $ DEFUNDING LAW ENFORCEMENT! LAPD in LA should B 100,000 strong, NOT below 9,000 lowering.
With NO TRUST-NO CONFIDENCE with-of humanity itself having internally within via Holy Trinity's Counsel of-with feeling like I've witnessed MUCH 2 last 10 lifetime's, thus with majority 8 billion plus USA-globally, capable hard core Christian adult REAL born as straight-hetrosexual alpha males & beta females (NO matter 1's skin color race, under 200 lb's (or U R on desk duty, ticket meter cop, misc duties) or better B healthy wise of a army under MY-Holy Trinity command, I'd have ZERO tolerance NOR patience 4 NOTHING less than SELF deny, NON voluntarily-NON optionally TAUGHT-LEARNED: Behavioral Analysis id profiling skills, Martial arts-SELF defense = Jason Bourne & Natalia Alianovna Natasha Romanoff, + else or R CEASED, WE CLEAR?!
Holy Bible was changed by old men long ago who THOUGHT they knew better 2 cover up & SELF male deny Adam's-MAN's wrong doing: Adam sinned 1ST, NOT Eve & Adam was SUPPOSE 2 had Eve's back but old men long ago NOT liking the truth, having changed, suppressed, misc would have all past - to date believe otherwise. And THAT'S just for starter's! & KNOW Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul, God alone owns ALL, now how U use it will B archived & documented on each's individual WHEN-IN temporary NON SELF owned human LIFE assigned Heaven Life Record) thus SELF preservation & even abortion is-R unholy violations of Luke 9:24 & Luke 17:21-22 (The Kingdom of God is INSIDE U individually, NOT in buildings of wood & stone)!
& huh, HERE'S a thought worthy of pondering & 2 B mindful of, ANY & ALL USA individual locale's city council's & Board of Supervisor's (who ALL AIN'T done NOTHING in 20 plus year's & their "EH" suicide pact liar's all out 1's SELF ie: Russian roulette as with literal worse Coming) as well as a locale's adult civilian citizen's & resident's = 2 B NIMBY (NOT in my backyard) is actually & in effect 2 literally 'kick 2 the curb' that of 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity, I WOULDN'T! Cuz WE R literally ALL USA-globally connected as a whole (1) NECLEUS species-humanity & were created in LESS than a day 2 SELF deny care take of each other & non human innocent Earth ONLY, NOTHING 'off' Earth = unholy violation! So whether SRO's (housing), misc else, ALL CAN B but real estate industry, etc gotta ALL B on the SAME page otherwise we R ALL GONE ROGUE from Holy Trinity! WE CLEAR?!
ANY of adult humanity wanna keep on acting like King Herod's whore Herodias call 4 Johnny B's head (on platter) ie: ANY seemingly who SELF deny Warrior choose Holy Trinity vs TOP global Power humanity, go ahead & try, Russian roulette CAN B DONE, so B it! HAIL KING JESUS 4EVER! Huh, shun me or (?) otherwise, I DON'T care, about NOTHING but HIM & my given daily job (my job is ALL there solely alone is 2 me)-Orders = Holy advocacy intel-info output! As worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation!
Sigh huh talk about feeling like a dead man walking amidst this likewise overall 2 date's ALL connected as a whole NECLEUS species-humanity SUPPOSE 2 been 1 thing & past historically has SELF (feeble minded-ROGUE, + ugh else) exhibited opposite of Holy Trinity = worse Coming! However regardless, just saying, NONE will find-see-witness ME about &/or amidst doing what others do-R about &/or R amidst via &/or ie: amidst leisure, daily activities; there is ONLY my given 'job' & 'Order (s)' = daily Holy Counsel of, from & by Holy Trinity! I STAND ALONE!
The privilege = 2 humanly exist as God NO had 2 ever create nothing NOR was Jesus suppose 2 come but nevertheless 2 exist is a privilege (NOT A RIGHT via God-HIMSELF) of temporary HUMAN life though ALL individually USA-globally have a right 2 live & exist if they R 2 SELF agree 2 obey-abide, misc solely of Holy Trinity & Holy Bible, upon non human innocent Earth, otherwise ALL else R weed's of garden 2 B CEASED immediately onsite & sent on knee's B4 Jesus 4 their PRE judgment day processing! As it is with Luke 9:24: NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul & THAT which we were created in LESS than day 4, we NO done tight since Adam-Eve! WE FAIL HIM! As worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation, HEY, take it up with God, NOT me! Ugh sigh!
THIS IS Yahweh's Jehovah's Father's God's creation (5 day non human innocent Earth, including YO NON SELF owned dust & ash corpse temporary human BREATH & eternal Soul via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24), that we humanity were created in LESS than day & SUPPOSE 2 have been (past tense-2 date) & R SUPPOSE 2 B it's SELF deny care take of) as God solely alone-only OWNs YO human BREATH & eternal SOUL & HE is NOT a maid NOR janitor for humanity though seemingly we ALL have broken HIS heart leaving HIS Son to 'have HIS Father's back', NO matter what, we're (created in LESS than a day) ALL connected whole 'NECLEUS' species - humanity JUST temporarily - momentarily living upon it; EITHER SELF denying BE HIS care taker's of 'it' & of each other or - otherwise GET OUTTA THE WAY, WE 'F' - ing CLEAR?!
As if homeless individual's didn't already have enough trauma via-ie: it's the EXTERNAL exhibited that DOES affect 1's internal within, NOT (?) $ mental illness de-humanizing agenda, to deal with via homelessness out there no fault of their own, haven't been able to get temporary hotel extended until otherwise - housing SO they can personally heal & recover, never mind that they've tried to ask fellow humanity 'out there' for $ financial assistance since they CANNOT rely on, misc NONE locally for anything via them individually sharing that aside from hearing other's out there talk about USA is SUCH a country of $ wealth, REALLY?
And as WHY The Natural Balance of non human innocent Earth itself is dying, why there's disease, earthquake's, misc & - but nevertheless, 'if Earth dies, WE ALL die'! We men are SUPPOSE to & '!!!' supporting & uplifting women by & with us being REAL MEN, otherwise we R worthless! 'GET' a clue: FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve, as even it was Adam that sinned FIRST, NOT Eve. Adam was SUPPOSE 2 'have Eve's back' NO matter. Women can be in home BUT they can be Warriors too, CAN DO anything but they like men gotta stay daily nigh to HIM ie: Holy Counsel!
& THOUGH I (?) may deem ok 2 drill 4 oil via Trump etc team, likewise however more so of-like 2 our fellow human Brother, just another Son of Adam & Eve, Steven Frederic Seagal's word's very carefully & TAKE IT TO HEART!
& of ANY out there, 'why God allow evil'; like TESTED Adam-Eve & even Jesus in desert by Devil who BROUGHT & started this Holy War likewise we R tested via Book of Revelation: 2 TEST periods & 2 judgment days as we in 1st longest TEST B4 1st Coming J.D. & VAST NO succeed it!
As LGBTQiA & sex porn industry just 2 things corrupting misc we fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself likewise riddled real estate industry of allowed-slumlords code violations substandard housing ie: thru HUD's locales housing authorities & etc. PURGE NOW!
Sigh huh, MAKE NO MISTAKE about THIS TRUTH (to ALL USA - global adult REAL female's - women, ladies), it's NOT you're fault - YOU are NOT the - ANY problem, it's MORE of men than U that is! 70 centuries since FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve, as even it was Adam that sinned FIRST, NOT Eve but old men long ago NOT liking the truth, having changed, suppressed, misc would have all past - to date believe otherwise, despite Adam was SUPPOSE to 'have Eve's back' NO matter what - being 1st created & then her FROM him (Adam) - to date & as to WHY The Natural Balance of non human innocent Earth (itself) is dying, why there's disease, earthquake's, misc & - but nevertheless, 'if Earth dies, WE ALL die'! God bless.
And as WHY The Natural Balance of non human innocent Earth itself is dying, why there's disease, earthquake's, misc & - but nevertheless, 'if Earth dies, WE ALL die'! We men are SUPPOSE to & '!!!' supporting & uplifting women by & with us being REAL MEN, otherwise we R worthless! 'GET' a clue: FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve, as even it was Adam that sinned FIRST, NOT Eve. Adam was SUPPOSE 2 'have Eve's back' NO matter. Women can be in home BUT they can be Warriors too, CAN DO anything but they like men gotta stay daily nigh to HIM ie: Holy Counsel!
Huh & KNOW THIS, like with SELF preservation B-ing a unholy violation of Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 = NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul, SAME however 4 if U cave-give in-submit, U R condemning SELF eternally 2 Hell after death! WE R 2 SELF deny Warrior up 4 Holy Trinity! U humanity treat ALL, including each other as U do with Earth like discarded toilet paper, usable TOOL'S until 1's-another is literally deemed NOT needed NO more like THOSE of Holy Bible's Genesis 19, ( Bring us YO - so we (them) CAN '!' ) when God set example CEASING & YAW allow, & like Holy Bible's Matthew 13:30-32 of weed's of-amidst a garden, this (1) NECLEUS species-humanity will likewise FEEL eternal nightmarish pain & horror, SO B IT! of (above) collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned cuz God gave Power-Authority 2 stand 4 HIM!
& likewise separately NOT about 1's temporary dust ash physical body corpse flesh color, only character (of eternal Soul internally within-inside) thus me single-celibate-chastity 4 Jesus like HIM as child, B about HIS Father's work of Holy intel info output 4 better or worse do or die trying.
As with like (me) being frugal (careful spending) with $ money I got 2 budget, however likewise I (me) no tripp-fret on SELF acknowledging me NEVER better than ANY 1 & NOT Jesus's best student (of 1st TEST period counseling studenthoodship) via Christian relationship with Jesus.
10 days ago
Sigh, how could - can fellow (past 70 centuries - 2 date) humanity DO THIS ALL exhibited out there when God JUST wanted 2 create something, & instead HAS & DOES broken & breaks God's heart & likewise having HIM play maid-janitor 2 humanity?! God bless -
10 days ago
I'm NO fool, NOT 1 to B played 4 stupid though (vast?) out there THINK they can do as such 2 ANY carelessly - B-ing stupid in process, ugh; DON'T discard what Holy Trinity may B trying 2 show U individually otherwise sadly U only have SELF 2 blame. DON'T shun Jesus, HE loves U! We dust-soil (GONE ROGUE from Holy Trinity) adult humanity past-2 date have & STILL do exhibit MORE as weeds in garden (dying Earth) R exhibited FAILED idea 2 date; draw a line or point 2 wrist watch & deem that's a 70 centuries-2 date Time line; humanity IS the problem. 4 REALS!
10 days ago
What is 59 sexually? Heteronormative (59): Of, relating to, or based on the attitude that heterosexuality is the only normal and natural expression of sexuality. God Holy set 4th the moral code 4 humanity = 1 man & woman 2 B straight-hetrosexual, 2 NOT B sexual until after proper (1 until death otherwise remain single & celibate or a widow) marriage & NO EVER abortion or violators DIE, U 2 breed, U keep & raise - 4 Jesus-Holy Trinity!
12 days ago
I've shared MUCH Holy intel via Holy Counsel of Holy Trinity past-2 date 2 USA-globally, TOP-down, $ Elites, Bilderberg Group, vast-various dust-ash HUMAN (bleed as U do) Syndicates out there, but what's the point 2 a species that exhibitedly is more dead than alive?!' WE CLEAR?! Understatement BUT here's a (thought?) - the real estate industry, I GET it, like say, Las Vegas, like 2 part's, 1's gotta B not only holding cards but also $ money, likewise the real estate (housing) industry, not only have $ but vast, misc on their housing asset spreadsheet.
12 days ago
USA-global law enforcement, always been about i.a. - internal affairs NOT doing job & bad cops 2 continue 2 work amidst ANY similar industry or field, & men 2 men - women 2 women cop's ie: whether in the locker room &/or out back via Holy Bible = "holding each other accountable"! Don't know WHY amidst basic training - police & military (USA-globally) - MANDATORY, no excuses otherwise 1's OUT - max body weight 4 working in field or assisted 2 desk duty. Behavioral Analysis Unit profiling, which is different than ia-internal affairs & Learn-use Martial arts-SELF defense.
12 days ago
As Elizabeth Lynne 'Liz' Cheney just 1 amidst ALL else thereof Congress 2 B literally-force-ably 86-ed otherwise they all gonna bring down the whole damn party like dying Earth's Natural Balance off-down ie: a pc firewall, GET it?! As YEA-DUH worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns! HOWEVER, I'm JUST saying, it's (?), preferable 2 NOT have an eventual Coming fellow human Bro-Brother Jason Lock (Harry Joseph Lennix 3rd) having 2 stand there in front of The Council & having to have 2 try & tell fools what Time it is, YA FEEL ME? But HEY, me & what-no army.
12 days ago
Elizabeth Lynne 'Liz' Cheney just as bad & misc else as whore-bitch Jennifer Rene 'Jen' Psaki who (thinks?) carelessly, her bitch-whore ass got ANYTHING over Baby Girl BEST EVER Kayleigh McEnany; huh, the hell she does! UGH, politics, misc else is just NOISE to me! AH SHADDAP! Whole USA 535 individual COWARDS Congress NEEDS to, huh (if even from the streets ie: old school, misc), KICK these SELF disgracing (& of Founding Father's) fool's (fill in blank's) to the curb immediately & B done with it! & NO trials-courts-investigations-prisons-mercy = The Squad otherwise their gonna bring down the whole damn Congress like dying Earth's Natural Balance off-down ie: a pc firewall, GET it?! ALL ENDS 1 WAY!
12 days ago
Regardless-despite, misc FAILED tests ie: Adam 1st & THEN Eve (Adam was suppose 2 have Eve's back), humanity solely created in LESS than a day 4 1 reason-purpose only: 2 SELF denyingly care take of Earth & each other, NOTHING EVER off Earth! NONE suppose 2 B off Earth! LOSERS! & ALL off Earth out there via NASA, (+) will B 4 NOTHING, $ waste, (+) while likewise ALL daily on dying Earth goes on = SENSELESS blood-trauma-death-breeding only 2 repeat until Coming END cuz & as ALL THIS SOLELY ENDS 1 WAY, THEY R CEASED or ALL WILL B-R GOING 2 B CEASED!
12 days ago
Huh as if-with-(?) as it is say piled up dirty dishes in the sink, kid's dirty messy bedroom, BUT MORE SO (70 centuries-2 date) what God INSTEAD otherwise deemed from-of-4 humanity has done opposite of what God wanted-desired-deemed & NO, I no care what U ugh humanity say, keep on doing NOTHING & worse than The Flood, (+) HE NO have 2 exhale = OUT quicker than candle!
12 days ago
I'm (me) temporarily here 4 a Time & NOT ANY 1 special-just a NObody, old frail dying man BUT via me daily = Holy Advocacy, all I care about is Holy Trinity & what ANY of U do with HIS Holy intel is up 2 U; sigh PLEASE use it wisely 4 YO Soul's sake -