SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
6 hours ago
As with LGBTQiA + like HUMAN weeds of garden = LITERALLY NOT SUPPOSE 2 EXIST via God's set 4th past (maid-janitor) example of-with S & G destruction ie: Holy Bible's Genesis 19! HE'S NOT a maid-janitor 4 us, it's ALWAYS been-is OUR NON voluntary-NON optional SELF deny job 2 HIM! Sigh TELL THEM ALL, As if-with FAILED tested Adam-Eve wasn't enough, &-that those-the of the fallen (bad) Angels that came 2 make a muck amidst humanity (via Genesis) cuz B4 if they (us humanity back then) could have a chance 2 Warrior Achilles up 4 Holy Trinity, THAT of Devil & the bad Angels had 2 ensure they (us humanity back then) DIDN'T have chance 2 jump on it 4 Holy Trinity SO THEN LGBTQiA (above) = weeds amidst garden - NOT suppose 2 exist.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
6 hours ago
As with LGBTQiA + like HUMAN weeds of garden = LITERALLY NOT SUPPOSE 2 EXIST via God's set the example 2 us all & 4th past (maid-janitor) example of-with S & G destruction ie: Holy Bible's Genesis 19! HE'S NOT a maid-janitor 4 us, it's ALWAYS been-is OUR NON voluntary-NON optional SELF deny job 2 HIM! Sigh TELL THEM ALL, As if-with FAILED tested Adam-Eve wasn't enough, &-that those-the of the fallen (bad) Angels that came 2 make a muck amidst humanity (via Genesis) cuz B4 if they (us humanity back then) could have a chance 2 Warrior Achilles up 4 Holy Trinity.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
6 hours ago
USA's Deep State FBi-CiA-NSA-DOD, World Economic Forum, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, the annual meetup Davos, etc TOP-down, USA-globally R ALL sickened human dust-ash corpse animals screaming 2 B literally put out of their misery; THEIR CEASED OR ALL WILL B! So B it! Humanity CAN destroy itself, shaping of things to come, THIS ALL LITERALLY ONLY ENDS 1 WAY; either THEY FALL & R literally CEASED onsite OR ALL WILL B! "If we stay the course, We are ALL (connected as a whole 'NECLEUS') dead!" Worse coming long B4 Jesus returns via Holy Bible.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
6 hours ago
Sigh huh, make NO mistake, I know, via Holy Counsel of Holy Trinity as literally NOTHING is about ME, humanity (itself) was created - for solely alone-only One reason-purpose = to SELF denyingly COUNTERACT Devil's started (THIS STILL existent) Holy War against God (as WHY evil exists) BEFORE OUR LESS than a day creation (though after 5 day non human innocent Earth, which is NOT a 2 bid whore to be treated however ANY see fit), HE (God) gave internally within ALL we'd individually EVER need-want to SELF denyingly appease HIM (God) via OUR NON-voluntary, NON optional SELF deny care taking of EACH OTHER NO matter One's race, misc BUT literally CEASING LGBTQiA like God set the example via Genesis 19 - Holy Bible) and care taking of Earth, NOTHING off ie: NASA is NOT suppose to be off Earth = if Earth dies, WE ALL DIE! Overall, endless past-to date unholy violations & we STILL FAIL Holy Trinity!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
6 hours ago
& huh, with SELF unholy USA-global public SELF "EH" DISGRACED Black & lesbian woman-female Karine Jean Pierre USA's White House spoke person as 4 etc else USA-globally, CLEARLY ALL must literally see just how unholy it is via Genesis 19-Holy Bible & God destroyed LGBTQiA & STILL 2 date U humanity itself ALLOW human weeds of garden; Holy truth CAN'T B denied; Karine Jean Pierre is JUST ANOTHER 1 that's gonna NON voluntarily-NON optionally & forcibly B dealt with & handled, like BLM (the group) & ALL else past-2 date like past Hitler, etc 2 join the endless masses in 4ever Hell 2 burn alive screaming after last breath ie: death like with USA Congress's AOC & The Squad! & ANY 1 can see-witness just what thing's overall & locally R NOT maintained tight ie: housecleaning!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
6 hours ago
THEY of 'L' crowd (LGBTQiA) got their ugh unholy & anti Holy Trinity pride, why can't - Straight pride is opposite of THAT other 1 & is unholy violation via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 & SHOULDN'T 2 date exist BUT hey = vast will be in & R going straight 2 Hell 2 burn alive screaming after last breath - ie: death; Web keyword search, straight pride - https://www.google.com/sea...
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
7 hours ago
With Behavioral Analysis profiled exhibited MASS-vast volume of (USA-global) manipulation-like however mentioned in Holy Bible, a) I'm NOT 1 doing & b) worse Coming! Alone in room-door closed B4 Holy Trinity, SERIOUSLY ponder ALL cuz it's ALL OUR nightmare-horror, 4 REALS! Whore-ing & acting like drunken dust & ash (male & / or female) corpse's of fill in the blanks ie: city, misc, sex-ing it up Rap music & disco (4 the LGBTQiA) is DEAD! MORE alive is various genre & tempo-ed Christian (empowerment) music ie: Carman, music. GET with 'it' PEOPLE (USA-globally) or GET lost-B GONE I NEVER KNEW U! GET REAL with Holy Trinity or U-ALL = 2 4EVER Hell!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
7 hours ago
& with hearing ALL the flipped ie: endless pancake of News media & NOT 'GETTING it' thus might as well B deeming ANY-ALL below them R BELOW them, so what's the point sharing-conveying BUT I NO do 4 U humanity, I do 4 my own Heaven Life Record 4 Jesus whether U ALL NO hear, etc! & 4 ALL the-U haters USA-globally SELF exhibiting like past Karl Marx-Hitler-Judas, etc ie: Deep State-Global Elites-the LEFT-Techie hackers, etc shadow banning me & ZERO-ing my web reach, SHADDPA, ya breaking my heart-go pound sand-find short pier & talk long walk, misc-etc! As it's REAL simple via Holy Bible, EITHER U individuals of 1 NECLEUS species-humanity have YO WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record proper B4 Jesus after YO last breath or YO (NON SELF owned via Luke 9:24) ass is going 2 nightmarish horror Hell & BURN ALIVE screaming 4EVER, WE CLEAR?!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
7 hours ago
USA-America's past late Founding Fathers didn't live & ide 4 nothing & they historically stand in 4ver memory of WE THE PEOPLE-MORE OF than THEM (ALL who oppose Trump-JD Vance etc Team & etc else who do as well) cuz via Holy Bible: worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns clock ticking
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
7 hours ago
I'm (personally-individually) daily relentless Hard core, Warrior allegiance, Christian Caliphate-Jihadism, wrath of Achilles, SELF deny, Christian Gentile MAGA USA-America nationalist & ALL 4 Trump-JD Vance & etc Team do or die trying; HAIL JESUS, 4ever Son of God via Holy Bible
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
7 hours ago
& 4 ALL the-U haters USA-globally SELF exhibiting like past Karl Marx-Hitler-Judas, etc, SAVE IT 4 Jesus after YO last breath B4 HIM via YO opened assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record of YO this-now human life test period B4 Coming judgment day as VAST will B in Hell soon! & with ALL the Counseling Holy intel info via Holy Trinity I share-post & then STILL hear via News media of Deep State-Global Elites, etc, it's 2 B deemed, "YEAH, THAT's the point!" As with huh VAST STILL 2,024 AD STILL AREN'T 'GETTING it' via Holy Trinity-Holy Bible, WE CLEAR?!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
7 hours ago
& 4 U-ANY 1 to deem anything of what I've SELF denied shared-posted of 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity's-Holy Bible Holy intel info, U-ANY 1 can deem it has 'lost in transition'-twisted-suppressed, (?) else past historically, SELF ALLOW HIM 2 fine tune, misc YO-ANY 1's comprehension! BUT 4 Holy Trinity 2 fine tune, misc Holy Bible Holy intel info 4 YO-ANY 1's comprehension-understanding, U-ANY 1 has 2 literally-seriously SELF deny via Luke 9:24 & etc thereof & shun ALL else out there exhibited distractions, etc & SELF deem U-1 NOT missing out on NOTHING!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
7 hours ago
& with ALL Holy intel info from Counseling 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity above via Heaven gives U-ANY 1 to share, 4 U-ANY 1 2 SELF suppress-keep 2 1's SELF & like SELF preservation is violation of Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul, WE CLEAR?! As what I can SELF deny humbly respect: daily relentlessly Hard core, do or die trying Warrior allegiance, Christian Caliphate-Jihadism, wrath of Achilles, straight-hetrosexual beta (ANY race USA-globally) females: NO makeup-tattoos-piercing for 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
8 hours ago
As with Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 NONE SELF individually own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul so NO SELF preservation cuz if U Christians R in-of Jesus then U got NO right 2 B SELF scared-afraid, misc cowards of THEM & instead acting like Denying 3 times Peter & worse: Judas, STOP IT! Judas led out in2 a field & literally Holy supernatural BROKEN in 2 like a dust ash corpse breadstick = DON'T piss off-anger 3 in 1- 1 in 3 Holy Trinity NOR God's responding SELF deny Warrior Angels cuz via sand in hourglass: HIS patience & held back anger-wrath = Coming 4-on ALL!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
9 hours ago
Sigh huh uh I mean so much 4 a dictionary as with any-all out there feeling dismal, dreary, bleak, gloomy, cheerless, desolate mean devoid of cheer or comfort. dismal indicates extreme and utterly depressing gloominess even via Holy Bible: worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
9 hours ago
& of ALL the vast various individual vocational tasks-duties job's, MINE via God given-led 2 is outputting creative Holy intel info as God cares 4 my daily needs = I just do my 9-5, process thru daily general SELF human functions ie: meals then take in News then 2 bed & repeat. As with why we humanity exist as God NO lets in just ANY 1 in2 Heaven & via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations: 2 human life test periods & 2 judgment days & ALL-each individually got assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record, it's WHAT, misc R U-ANY 1 doing daily B4 last breath?!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
9 hours ago
& ALL straight-hetrosexual beta female WOMEN aside from ALL straight-hetrosexual alpha male MEN via "HeMan" - 'I got the POWER' via ALL God's given internally within 2 deem NON voluntary-optional SELF deny Warrior-studenthood 4 God thru Jesus & Holy Bible or face worse Coming! So then it's NO about race-rich or poor, misc, it's about 1's individual SELF deemed usage of ALL God's given internally within the vast that make up 1 whole NECLEUS species & instead U ALL have ALL else BUT solely the proper notioned & thus why all is as is & worse Coming!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
9 hours ago
& worth noting 4-2 ANY 1-U individually of U ALL 8,019,876,189 individual human's (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself internally within wanna B proper, then U must aim 4 SELF deny Warrior 4 God DAILY-24/7. Say like ie: cartoon character "HeMan" - 'I got the POWER', YES U ALL individually do via God given FREE Will & etc internally within U as Kingdom of God is inside BUT via Holy Bible, U have 2 SELF deny humble student like as fine line 2 walk between Mr Rogers & Warrior Achilles.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
12 hours ago
& via Holy Bible Genesis 19 CEASED weeds of garden LGBTQiA & trying 2 BRING it BACK of "Bring us YO (?) so we CAN (?)" & STILL U ALL NO understand God set example 2 us ALL individuals of 1 NECLEUS species & U ALL ALLOW it ALL 2 go on = via Jesus: MORE will B in Hell than Heaven! & so with ALL past historically repeating itself-2date & worse Coming, it's ONLY when U ALL MORE OF individuals of 1 NECLEUS literally STOP B-ing as such & via ALL God's given internally with & SELF deny Warrior represent-regulate 4 God like HIS Angels do will all this ugh stop.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 hours ago
& why ALL straight-hetrosexual beta female WOMEN of 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally NO matter 1's race R NOT inferior is cuz Adam (MAN) suppose 2 have had Eve's (WOMAN'S) back, hence, coming FROM Adam (MAN) via rib bone so SAVE IT of NOISE-SHADDPA! WE CLEAR?! & attacks, etc against-of babies-kids-children-teens ie: Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1's: defeated Devil after Jesus's testing in desert deemed it go after them THRU adults & via Holy Bible Genesis 19 CEASED weeds of garden LGBTQiA, their trying 2 BRING it BACK!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 hours ago
& as it's NON voluntary-optional demanded of ALL individuals amidst-amongst-that make up 1 NECLEUS species 2 SELF deny Warrior represent-regulate 4 God like HIS SELF deny (NO FREE Will) Warrior Angels do though we ALL HAVEN'T = why all is as is & worse Coming via NOT maintained! & though straight-hetrosexual beta female WOMAN'S role is of such via God deemed of Holy Bible, STILL has there past historically been alone with straight-hetrosexual alpha male MEN (NO matter 1's race) = SELF deny Warrior 4 God & 2 maintain tight ie: human weeds of garden, misc.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 hours ago
& say WHY any ask LGBTQiA & sex porn industry is evil-unholy-immoral? Is cuz via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 God set example of literal CEASING thereof plus former sex worker Mary Magdalene set example 2-4 we ALL with turning away from old ways & instead un2 Jesus 4 Soul renewal.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 hours ago
& 2 literally humanly EXIST is a privilege, NOT a right as God DIDN'T have 2 create NOTHING ie: LESS than day humanity NOR 5 day created Earth as with via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations: 2 HUMAN LIFE TEST periods & 2 judgment days & ALL-each individually got Heaven Life Record! Cuz what I witness is VAST individuals amidst-amongst-that make up 1 NECLEUS species past historically-2date & ie: fools PRIOR 2 past The Flood-Genesis 19 TRYING 2 BRING BACK thereof & (?) etc AGAINST God despite Devil BROUGHT this Holy War & ie: ALL OUR human life test period.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
1 day ago
SIGH huh uh & THANK U humbly-kindly-sincerely all of USA-America law enforcement under Trump-JD Vance etc Team especially who R honestly Christian in-of Jesus = SELF deny represent-regulate 4 God's Well Being & via Holy Bible, God bless in Jesus & please stay safe out there smile
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
1 day ago
& I SELF denyingly tend 2 lean on the side with-of ALL or mostly what I've shared-posted of Holy Bible's intel info-3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & such: I DON'T share-convey-post lightly & I mean LITERALLY as is (literal) as Holy Bible is & 4 ANY 2 deem less than, sigh SHADDPA! & so with out there deeming of (?) B-ing about race-temporary human dust ash physical body corpse skin flesh color, (?) etc else, STOP-QUIT IT-SHADDPA! It's about ONLY of vast-various I've SELF denied shared-posted OF Holy Trinity-Holy Bible & NO: NOT about ME!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
1 day ago
ALL other's above 21 years of human male-female age say ie: adulthood & opened assigned individual WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record momentary review B4 Jesus after 1's last breath R either sent 2 Hell or God's deemed 'sleep program' via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations. As with verbal-conveyed notion of ALL THIS NEVER had 2 B - like this amidst ALL OUR 1st LONGEST HUMAN LIFE TEST period B4 1st scene of all scenes Holy retributionary judgment day via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations: 2 TEST periods & 2 judgment days. Worse Coming B4 Jesus returns
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
1 day ago
& so THOUGH defeated & 86-ed outta Heaven = Devil (ALLOWED by God) BROUGHT this Holy War 2 humanity nevertheless via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations: 2 HUMAN LIFE TEST periods & 2 judgment days as God NO let-allow-welcome in just ANY 1 in2 Heaven. As worse Coming B4 Jesus! & so YEAH, I guess I can see FINE line 2 walk between nature's, misc of Mr Fred McFeely Rogers & Warrior Achilles as even while Jesus past for 3 days & in Hell 2 share God's Word with them thereof THEN coming back after 3 days. NO COWARDS R liked by God, only SELF deny Warriors!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
1 day ago
I can ONLY explain-break down-share how I (imperfect student of Jesus) can & as I do via my God given job-responsibility of outputting Holy intel info BUT it's vast individuals amidst-amongst 1 NECLEUS species that STILL deem 2 SELF cease & refuse 2 change 4 God. & so with everything that has a beginning - has an end as even with-inline via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations: 2 HUMAN LIFE TEST periods & 2 judgment days & ONLY FEW who succeed via 1's individual assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record will gain Heaven entry.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
1 day ago
& like past history repeating itself 2 worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns (Holy Bible) of a daily reality kill or B killed, ALL out USA-global murder-suicide-mutiny, sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, massacre, eradicating, extermination, Russian roulette = ENDS ONLY 1 WAY!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
1 day ago
& know that past The Flood-Holy CEASING weeds of garden LGBTQiA via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 & (fill in blanks of cause & effect repercussions ie: Holy Bible & human history) NEVER had NOR suppose 2 been-B, even Jesus not suppose 2 have had 2 come BUT worse Coming B4 Jesus. We humanity via past historically thru 2date ALL done-allowed this un2-of OURSELVES cuz NOT maintaining tight (weeds of garden, housecleaning, misc-etc) our non voluntary-optional God given jobs-responsibilities of why we exist thus lazy-cowardice, etc fill in blanks.

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