#StreetCopTraining #PoliceTraining #Malfeasance #Misconduct #Corruption #Discrimination #ExcessiveForce #racism #RacialBias #Bias #Sexism #Denigration #Dehumanization #Interrogation #SmallTalk #TrafficStop #WrongfulArrest #EvidenceSuppression #CriminalAppeal #Appeal #FirstAmendment #FourthAmendment #DefundThePolice #civilrights #CriminalJustice #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
Cop Training Seminar EXPOSED on VIDEO | 1000's of Cops Nationwide Involved! - The Civil Rights LawyerThe Civil Rights Lawyer
The New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller recently published a scandalous report detailing private for-profit police training of 1000's of police officers from around the country that, among other things: promoted the use of unconstitutional policing tactics for motor vehicle stops; glorif..
#Exoneration #EyewitnessMisidentification #WitnessIdentification #Witness #InadequateDefense #WrongfulConviction #InnocenceProject #CriminalJustice #Law
#Exoneration #WrongfulConviction #Misidentification #Testimony #Evidence #Injustice #losangeles #InnocenceProject #JustUs #CriminalJustice #Law
‘I Was Going To Die In Prison’: Authorities Exonerate Two Men Charged With Murder As Teens | The Daily Caller
Giovanni Hernandez and Miguel Solorio have been determined by Los Angeles authorities on Wednesday to have been wrongfully convicted for murder.
#EyewitnessTestimony #Testimony #Witness #WitnessInstruction #SuggestiveQuestions #CourtroomProcedure #Perception #Memories #Influence #Evidence #Bias #PoliceLineup #Misidentification #MisinformationEffect #Misinformation #WrongfulConviction #HugoMünsterberg #ElizabethLoftus #InnocenceProject #JustUs #CriminalJustice #psychology
#SosaVMartinCounty #MartinCounty #Florida #DueProcess #Incarceration #TrafficStop #WarOnDrugs #TheWrongMan #Misidentification #Identity #GuiltyUntilProvenInnocent #civilrights #CriminalJustice
#TrafficStop #PoliceBrutality #ExcessiveForce #BadCopNoDonut #racism #Lawsuit #civilrights #lawenforcement #CriminalJustice
Driveway Traffic Stop Goes Sideways - The Civil Rights LawyerThe Civil Rights Lawyer
Here's more footage of Officer Justin Peppers, from the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, courtesy of Jeff Gray, from Honor Your Oath Civil Rights Investigations. This is now the third video I've done on Officer Peppers. He's the same guy I recently featured in a video where he'..
#NeighborhoodDispute #Lies #FalseAccusations #CitizenComplaint #Retaliation #BadCopNoDonut #civilrights #lawenforcement #CriminalJustice
Man Files Complaint and Gets Arrested Again | Cops Take Wife Hostage and Offer a Trade! - The Civil Rights LawyerThe Civil Rights Lawyer
New and shocking body camera footage shows police officers in Georgia unjustly arresting and threatening to charge a woman just days after they handcuffed and detained her husband for not satisfying their questions about a neighborhood disturbance. It all started last year on May 26, 2022, when offi..