11 months ago
Babylon Bee - Mankind Lands On Moon For First Time Since Wallace And Gromit In 1989:
#MoonLanding #Moon #IntuitiveMachines #IM1 #Odysseus #LunarLander #SolarSystemScience #Astronomy
#MoonLanding #Moon #IntuitiveMachines #IM1 #Odysseus #LunarLander #SolarSystemScience #Astronomy
Mankind Lands On Moon For First Time Since Wallace And Gromit In 1989 | Babylon Bee
HOUSTON, TX — The world is celebrating today after news broke that mankind had landed on the Moon for the first time since Wallace and Gromit did so in 1989.
11 months ago
Paul Serran - Nova-C Lunar Mission Takes off in Florida, on Its Way to the First American Moon Landing in More Than Half a Century:
#Odysseus #LunarLander #NovaC #IntuitiveMachines #IM1 #nasa #MalapertA #SolarSystemScience #Astronomy
#Odysseus #LunarLander #NovaC #IntuitiveMachines #IM1 #nasa #MalapertA #SolarSystemScience #Astronomy
SPACE ODYSSEY: Nova-C Lunar Mission Takes off in Florida, on Its Way to the First American Moon Landing in More Than Half a Century | The Gateway Pundit | by Pa..
Odysseus has departed on a perilous journey that is larger-than-life.