SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
8 days ago
Country's like Mexico-Russia-China-syria-iran ETC of 195 countries, SELF deny Warrior represent-regulate 4 God's Well Being & BRING IT U MORE OF than THEM of YO TOP-down Power & get YO country's issues etc right-proper, cuz we USA got our own issues-problems & NO needs yours!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
12 days ago
GET A ROOM ALREADY = China - Russia & iran, misc else (fill in blank's) Government & Military is no attacking USA because like history of Rome falling, President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr is gonna have USA fall & THEN China & Russia will casually come in & FINISH CLEANING HOUSE & TAKE what THEY deem! Worse Coming!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
& U ALL MORE OF globally locally ie: in China-Russia-iran-Korea, etc cause not only YO own thereof ugh but it affects ALL elsewhere globally including USA as 1 all connected whole NECELUS species & worse Coming END! & NONE of ALL bad, etc ugh exhibited historically ie: why all 2date is as is NEVER blamed on God, this ALL is ALL OUR own humanity itself ALLOWED doing & why VAST NO succeed Coming Judgment Day & B in Hell 4EVER!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
& so GO AHEAD tick tock 'Time' daily day-night 24/7 USA-globally, argue amongst YO selves, blame ME even like fools against Jesus's 1st chosen Crew-hunted down like animals, STILL MORE worse past since-2date & worse Coming! U ALL USA-globally scream-moan-complain of ALL exhibited BUT DON'T blame YO selves-U MORE OF wherever USA-globally locally ie: in China-Russia-iran-Korea, etc; U ALLOW? Then REAP it & die already or literally force stop it!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
I've (ME) past-2date researched & hit up-messaged, misc USA-global individual government's, etc else of every-all facet's (vast & various individual volume industries-nonprofit's, etc fill in blank's, TOP-down, affecting in general speaking adult's, children & teen's, misc else) in ALL individual language's out there USA-globally including iran-China-Korea, etc else & STILL 1 (ME) can literally see-witness all 2 well that & with I (me) no gotta B a Einstein (smartest human person) 2 behavioral analysis profile-call out ALL I've seen-witnessed of this-U ALL USA-global connected whole (1) NECLEUS human species past tense since historically 2date tick tock 'Time' daily (day & night 24/7).
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
As with NO trust - NO confidence in-of U ALL USA-global human species & likewise with the MORE OF innocent adult general public of China-iran, etc (fill in blank's) likewise in USA, U ALL NO do nothing, FINE, then Coming literal death of ALL shall & CAN B via daily cause & effect CAN'T B UNDONE, only 2 scream 4ever in Hell after YO last breath ie: death, SO B it then! SIGH HUH this majority of ALL USA-global connected whole (1) NECLEUS human species CAN join those of-like Hitler, etc in Hell after last breath-death as this ALL USA-globally literally ONLY ENDS 1 way & it's Coming! So B it then! I no care, I'll see ALL YO USA-global dust & ash corpse asses on Coming Judgment Day, DAMN U ALL 2 Hell, so B it!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
& SAME goes 4 ALL U MORE OF in-of general civilian masses capable $ tax payor NON disabled adult's in China-Russia-ireland-iran-Korea, etc globally else where = U ALL want this ugh evil-unholy-immoral, misc else 2 literally stop? Then literally FORCE it (physically, etc) make it STOP by-via God given Power-Authority (unlike Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angels) 2 literally CEASE onsite the weeds of garden & send 4th on knees B4 Jesus 4 their pre judgment day processing & B daily tick tock 'Time' any momentary done with it & maintain it tight ie: housecleaning, WE CLEAR?! U MORE OF got NO excuses-rationalizations 2 not literally STOP THEM of TOP where U live USA-globally but chose 2 coward-submit, (?) etc, FINE, DIE ALREADY then, ugh, like huh who's kidding who here, ugh, SAVE IT-SHADDPA!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
& regarding the weeds of garden Global TOP Elites, NO lone wolves (individual dust & ash human corpse's just popping off like fire cracker's, huh stop it-that, don't do that), it's gotta B NON voluntary-optional the-U ALL MORE OF wherever USA-globally like in-amidst China-Russia-iran-Korea, etc fill in blank's, get-make thing's right by literal physical, misc FORCE & Learn-teach 2 YO local fellow capable adult's & young 1's & use properly Behavioral Analysis id profiling , Martial arts-SELF defense ie: Jason Bourne & Natalia Alianovna Natasha Romanoff, watch your OWN back ie: eyes-ears ALL around U & like late John Reginald Neville ie: TRUST NO 1 & Check out mantisx DOT com & hero DOT us DOT com. Sigh God bless in Jesus-stay safe out there USA-globally, iight, off U go-as U were.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
& like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angels who SET 4TH THE EXAMPLE defeating Devil & 86-ing outta Heaven SAME U ALL past-2date humanity USA-globally SHOULD B amidst daily & maintaining tight with-of literally NO words-prisons-courts-investigations-voting & CEASING onsite the weeds of garden Global TOP Elites, hunt THEM ALL individually down & send THEM on knees B4 Jesus 4 THEIR pre judgment day processing & maintain tight, or worse MORE is Coming, WE CLEAR?! iight, get 2 it, I NO need 2 know, U know YO own countries area & etc else ie: U MORE OF in China-Russia-iran-Korea, fill in blank's!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
I DON'T dislike Russia-iran-China-Korea, etc fill in blanks like U innocent ALL thereof in those countries, it's THOSE of THEM in-of TOP Power Elites weeds of garden that MUST B NON voluntarily-NON optionally & literally CAN DO-B CEASED immediately onsite (no words-no courts-no investigations-no voting) & sent 4th on knee's B4 Jesus 4 THEIR pre judgment day processing thus STOP letting-allowing the innocent adult's & Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: children 2 B ceased & lives cut short prematurely, it's NOT right-fair-proper BUT U-ANY 1 sees just what happens when a whole SPECIES itself no maintains tight ie: housecleaning, WE CLEAR?! SIGH GET 2 IT, NOW or expect 2 spend eternity in nightmarish pain-horror Hell BURNING ALIVE screaming along with Hitler, etc!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
Sigh make NO mistake, there is innocent MORE OF (than THEM in-of TOP Power Elites) everywhere ie: Russia-iran-China-Korea, etc fill in blanks BUT it's U MORE OF (NO lone wolves) wherever U-1 lives that must NON voluntary-NON optionally get a clue, either U MORE OF (NO lone wolves) wherever U-1 lives SELF deny Warrior up in daily force like past Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angels DID defeating Devil & 86-ing outta Heaven, NO words-JUST DONE ie: (?) Universal Soldiers-Terminators with Holy retributionary Order via Holy Trinity-Holy Bible 2 either SELF deny Warrior represent HIM or otherwise via 1's individual WHEN IN LIFE assigned Heaven Life convicting Record.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
18 days ago
This is Devil's BROUGHT Holy War & the 1st human life TEST period of 2, 2nd: Jesus 1,000 year reign with 2 Judgment Day's in between via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations, UNDERSTAEMENT: we R failing God & COULD'VE exhibited like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angels CEASING Elites! & with say the Global Elites-Deep State, etc fill in blanks USA-globally & 2 ANY innocent adult MORE OF in China-Russia-iran, etc, TAKE THEM U MORE OF, CEASE THEM & send THEM B4 Jesus 4 pre judgment day processing, NOT sit-stand doing nothing or VAST will B in Hell than Heaven!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
18 days ago
ALL the senseless endless sadistic, anguish & cries-tears, pain-horror bloodshed-death's of innocent lives cut short & send B4 Jesus instead of THEM (TOP Global Elites, etc) & U ALL WRONGLY use Holy Trinity-Holy Bible 2 NOT do YO job-responsibly = 2 Hell with U ALL! DAMN U ALL! SIGH U ALL MORE OF of USA-China-Russia-iran, etc than THEM weeds of garden (TOP Global Elites, etc) will 4ever BURN ALIVE screaming in Hell after YO last breath-death 4 ALLOWING ALL this versus literally hunting THEM (above) weeds of garden down & CEASING onsite & send B4 Jesus!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
18 days ago
Sigh huh ain't the TRUTH a (ALL daily tick tock 'Time' flies day & night 24/7) exhibited cause & effect CAN'T B UNDONE bitch (ie: hard pill 2 swallow), U (ALL R COWARDS) MORE OF of USA-China-Russia-iran, etc than THEM (TOP Global Elites, etc) R equal & even worse (Coming)! DAMN U ALL 2 Hell 4 ALLOWING ALL this, a Holy War Devil BROUGHT, like FAILED tested Adam-Eve thru tick tock Time (flies) daily day & night 24/7 un2 this day in Age 2024 AD exhibited cause & effect CAN'T B UNDONE & no intention by ALL 2 stop this, EVER! U ALL R FAILED idea B4 God!
18 days ago
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
19 days ago
"EH" dust & ash corpse evil-unholy human individual suicide pact's = iran president: Sayyid Ebrahim Raisolsadati - Russia president: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - North Korea president: Kim Jong Un - China president: Xi Jinping including Klaus Martin Schwab, William Henry Bill Gates 3rd & the USA-global $ Global Elite's syndicates as well as this SELF graced fool Barack Hussein Obama 2nd would B spit outta the mouth of all Christian proper Black historical figure's B4 us including MLK Jr, Malcolm X Little - el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, Frederick Douglass, fill in blank's, sigh huh.
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