Susan Taapken @SuzyQ
10 months ago
The Left and MSM started pushing 2SLGBTQIA+ madness because they were trying to break down the norms of society. They sought to eliminate boundaries for gender, so eventually they could eliminate boundaries for age.

They want to normalize pedophilia. They are after the kids.
Mary Bourne @MaryBourne
1 yr. ago

Here's an update on a previous post (New Brunswick brings in a new law to ban (Child Grooming) in schools.) More details have been released.

Follow The Post Here: https://fb.watch/kZEoLJr2T...

Out of 90,000 students in New Brunswick, 30,000 stayed home at the start of Pride Week.

50 parents are calling for an investigation into the School system.

Policy 713 sets the bare minimum requirements for school districts to create a safe, welcoming learning environment for all 2SLGBTQIA+ students.

Learn More Here: https://beta.ctvnews.ca/lo...
ESPN News @espnnews
1 yr. ago
LGBTQIA group disinvited from LAD Pride Night https://www.espn.com/mlb/s... -group-pride-night
ESPN News @espnnews
1 yr. ago
Dodgers disinvite satirical group from Pride Night https://www.espn.com/mlb/s... -group-pride-night
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
Music artist, "White Lion", music song, 'When The Children Cry' = Jesus's Little Heaven supported innocent 1's, NO matter WHERE USA-globally, NO matter skin color race, + BUT NO LGBTQiA, misc ugh evil; aside from say, music artist Swedish House Mafia's music song, Don't you worry child - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
White Lion - When The Children Cry (Official Music Video) - YouTube

You're watching the official music video for White Lion - "When The Children Cry" from the album 'Pride' (1987)Subscribe to the Rhino Channel! https://Rhino....

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
Example: 4 U majority 8 billion + USA-globally 2-with ALLOWING YO complacent-lazy-cowardice of LGBTQiA after God destroyed S & G via Genesis 19-Holy Bible is 2 unholy SPITE HIM like Devil; I'd SERIOUSLY advise U NECLEUS species-humanity 2 CEASE THEM, God is NO maid-janitor 4 us! SERIOUSLY when Devil got defeated re: Jesus's testing in the desert, it deemed, it'd go after Jesus's next best thing, HIS Little 1's children-kids thru adults ie: LGBTQiA. Jesus: If any adults keep any Little 1's from me, they will NEVER see my Father. LOOK AROUND & SEE it!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
When Devil got defeated via Jesus's testing in desert, it deemed, it'd go after Jesus's next best thing, HIS Little 1's children-kids thru adults ie: LGBTQiA. But Jesus: If ANY adults keep ANY of these Little 1's from me, they'll NEVER see my Father (God) & LOOK AROUND! END THEM! LGBTQiA, + literally SHOULDN'T exist, got NO rights, misc ELSE has with God played maid-janitor via Holy Bible's Genesis 19, LOOK IT UP &/or research on web, YouTube, Rumble, misc-etc. & this is JUST 1 ugh issue plaguing humanity itself = Holy retributionary END of us will Come of & 4 us ALL literally!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
STOP (abortion 187-murder-killing) allowing this-that 2 happen 2 Jesus's Little 1's > When U hear THEY (the evil humans amidst us ALL globally) R coming after U're kids-children, here's why, 1 example via Holy Bible Genesis 19, but more so from the Holy Counsel of Holy Trinity. Huh LET ME MAKE-B CLEAR: God's set 4th morals = VALUES 'should B' of ALL humanity is SOLELY: 1 male-1 female = NO LGBTQiA via Genesis 19, HE destroyed S & G = setting the example of CEASING (human) weeds of garden via Holy Bible & ANY else R of Devil, NOT HIM! Holy truth is REAL!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
LGBTQiA 2 words: GENESIS 19! < they, porn industry, etc past-2 date BROKE the moral codes set 4th by God! ABORTION SIMPLY FLAT OUT PREMEDITATED MURDER - Planned Parenthood past exposed videos of butchering human fetus 4 $ profit & R NOT suppose 2 literally exist: weeds of garden! NO LGBTQiA, NO Porn, raise & teach them right! And STOP abusing the Holy deemed symbol: RAINBOW, it was & is ONLY deemed 4 that God no flood the non human innocent Earth again! God (maid-janitor) destroyed THEIR ugh long ago & like weeds of garden = worse than ever! WE CLEAR?! THEIR trying 2 BRING BACK (just 2 spite God, like Devil) S & G ie: Genesis 19 that God destroyed = worse is Coming!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
God's patience is wearing thin even as God wouldn't even have 2 exhale & we all CAN go incomprehensibly & literally out quicker & faster than a candle (remember girlie told along with all else to NOT look back via Genesis 19 & she did, BAM, ceased onsite) & still, SIGH. When Devil got defeated via Jesus's testing in desert, it deemed, it'd go after Jesus's next best thing, HIS Little 1's children-kids thru adults ie: LGBTQiA. But Jesus: If ANY adults keep ANY of these Little 1's from me, they'll NEVER see my Father (God) & LOOK AROUND! END THEM!
ESPN News @espnnews
1 yr. ago
A Mexican soccer team, founded by the LGBTQ community, earns respect on and off the field https://www.espn.com/socce...
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
& Fox News is B-coming just another CNN, YEAH I heard, them at Fox News internally within LGBTQiA whoring it up against fellow employees, THEM ugh B-ing whores 2 TOP rank & file & overall leaving WHAT? Court's Black Robe's 2 further circus show - train wreck it up when even say, Power Elites Davos could have been CEASED decade's ago by the so called MORE OF us majority capable adult 8 billion plus USA-globally than THEM. But no, THEM playing the MORE OF 4 stupid with all THEY'VE been doing for 50 plus years above & below ground & all U got is YO moaning - complaining when ALL 2 date could have been avoided including 9/11 = What's ANY 1 think it's past-2 date been = It's SLOW & STEADY NON voluntary, NON optional & enforceable GENOCIDE!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
Ronna McDaniel like LGBTQiA whore Randi Weingarten R just 2 more of failures, overall & nevertheless SELF carelessly & senselessly deeming 2 commit eternal suicide - sicken dust & ash corpses past-2 date screams understatedly that humanity itself is a FAILED idea & a waste, FINE so B it have YO way humanity, worse Coming amidst the Holy War! Trying & have so unto a (however so called fellow all connected whole NECLEUS) species more dead than alive, huh just absolutely disgusted but like Jesus said on Cross & twist, misc however U will, we all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity know not what we've done & still huh OH I GET MUCH all too well thus sigh fine, I know who I solely alone stand 4 & only stand alone 4 Holy Trinity, so B it.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
Like housecleaning, past-2 date is USA-global ugh hoarder everywhere cuz of LGBTQiA-Power Elites-the LEFT-liberals, etc fill in blanks = either we capable adults either do our NON voluntary-NON optional responsible job & given Orders from & by Holy Trinity or like past Holy Bible's Genesis 19 (that God set the example 4 & 2 us all capable adult humanity), God is gonna Holy CLEAN HOUSE of us ALL, GET it? WE CLEAR?! It's all on us capable adult humanity, NOT God!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
Huh 'F' Man's laws & the USA-global courts & legal industry, if fools - The LEFT - LGBTQiA (as God set the example 4 us all via Holy Bible's Genesis 19) - liberals - & ALL NOT SELF denying (NON voluntarily - NON optionally) Warrior-ing up via Luke 9:24 & Luke 12;51, especially this day is age (year) AD 4 Holy Trinity, wanna SELF choose 2 act & behave like sicken dust & ash corpses, FINE = literally CEASE THEM ALL individually - CLEAN HOUSE amidst dying NON human innocent Earth ie: SELF B-ing 'weeds amidst a garden' via Holy Bible's Matthew 13:24-43 as THIS ALL ONLY LITERALLY ENDS ONLY 1 WAY Coming!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
Huh I can't even imagine just what & how the war in Heaven when down between the good Warrior Angels & Devil & the fallen B4 B-ing 86-ed outta Heaven via Holy Bible's Genesis bringing evil, LGBTQiA, etc 2 us ALL! U 2 date's majority capable adults of this ALL connected whole (created in LESS than a day) NECLEUS failed idea species-humanity wanna do hard way? FINE! True Warrior's (REAL adult men & women) of days since past gone (& CERTAINLY NOT exhibited 2 date USA-globally) by like misc other's like him versus the exhibited since-2 date COWARDS USA-globally, ugh, LOSERS; truly he's 1 I can like (?), however many few (REAL men & women Warriors) really respect - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
Music artist, "White Lion", music song, 'When The Children Cry' = Jesus's Little Heaven supported innocent 1's, NO matter WHERE USA-globally, NO matter skin color race, + BUT NO LGBTQiA, misc ugh evil; aside from say, music artist Swedish House Mafia's music song, Don't you worry child - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
White Lion - When The Children Cry (Official Music Video) - YouTube

You're watching the official music video for White Lion - "When The Children Cry" from the album 'Pride' (1987)Subscribe to the Rhino Channel! https://Rhino....

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
Swedish House Mafia, Don't You Worry Child, regular-original version, When Devil got defeated via Jesus's testing in desert, it deemed, it'd go after Jesus's next best thing, HIS Little 1's children-kids thru adults ie: LGBTQiA. But Jesus: If ANY adults keep ANY of these Little 1's from me, they'll NEVER see my Father (God) & LOOK AROUND! END THEM! 2 & 4 say, Jesus's Little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kid's-children-teens; sigh, enjoy - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
Don't you worry Child - Swedish House Mafia - YouTube

Ich habe keine Rechte, die besetzt die Mafia selbst :DHave Fun :) Like, Comment and Subscribe :))Schönen Tach noch X)

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
Even as Devil was defeated after Jesus's testing in the desert, Devil just deemed 'it' go after HIS next best thing, HIS little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies - kid's - children - teen's = point: MUST B SELF deny literally CEASED = the USA-global LEFT, LGBTQiA trying to bring back S & G via Genesis 19 anewed when God set the example 2 us all 2 literally CEASE adult human weeds amidst a garden - which it says in Matthew 13:24-43 = "As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth".
Alex Jones @infowars
1 yr. ago
KJP Brags ‘Fierce’ LGBTQIA Kids ‘Fight Back’ As Trans Person Arrested For Planning Mass Shooting
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
& Holy worth noting: = LGBTQiA, misc TRYING nevertheless 2 BRING BACK NON voluntarily - NON optionally & forcibly Sod & Gom that God set the example 4 & 2 ALL adult humanity how 2 literally handle via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 & THAT of after Devil was defeated ie: Jesus's testing in the desert, Devil just deemed it would go after HIS next best thing, HIS little 1's (kid's- children) THRU adult's & look around past-2 date USA-globally!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
1 yr. ago
& KNOW God's example 2 us ALL USA-global re: LGBTQiA is THAT of Holy Bible's Genesis 19 or Coming we're ALL DEAD! Prayer is NOT a Genie's bottle NOR is God a maid-janitor, I KNOW why we were created, what U all DENY, ugh LOSER'S! Created in LESS than day = humanity was 4 only 2 SELF deny care taker of each other & Earth, NOTHING off, WE FAIL God! Coming sanitizing, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination by 2025; like 9/11/2001, etc via history.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
2 yr. ago
The temporary dust-soil corpse (created from Earth) is solely a tool 4 the eternal Soul 2 SELF denyingly serve via Holy Trinity that - thereof B-ing SELF denied caretakers of non human innocent Earth & each (of humanity itself, NO matter race, misc) other, NOTHING off Earth. Music artist, "White Lion", music song, 'When The Children Cry' = Jesus's Little Heaven supported innocent 1's, NO matter WHERE USA-globally, NO matter skin color race, + BUT NO LGBTQiA, misc ugh evil; aside from say, music artist Swedish House Mafia's music song, Don't you worry child - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
White Lion - When The Children Cry (Official Music Video) - YouTube

You're watching the official music video for White Lion - "When The Children Cry" from the album 'Pride' (1987)Subscribe to the Rhino Channel! https://Rhino....

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
2 yr. ago
Sigh huh as it's NOT been verbally conveyed nearly enough over the past historic tick tock temporary - momentary ie: 'Time' centuries - to date, Devil after B-ing 86-ed outta Heaven BROUGHT (evil, LGBTQiA ie: Holy Bible's Genesis 19 & etc else) this STILL exhibited, ALL it's EVER overall been & is: Holy War against God & ALL of Heaven = this ALL literally only ENDS 1 way; & know God WOULDN'T even have 2 exhale & we'd literally go OUT quicker-faster-swifter than a candle & God could & can literally crumble us humanity all up like a used piece of paper, my point = DON'T piss off God via YO-you're daily ugh human behavior, WE CLEAR?!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
2 yr. ago
& regarding LGBTQiA, God set the example 2 us ALL connected as a whole NECLEUS species-humanity via Holy Bible's Genesis 19, DON'T U youngster's out there USA-globally think 4 a moment that this is normal cuz it's NOT, it's humanity (itself) STILL NOT after centuries we humanity doing OUR NON voluntary-NON optional representing daily job with EVERY tick tock temporary - momentary ie: 'Time' that goes by as THAT of dying non human innocent Earth rotates 4 a temporary Time, SERIOUSLY ponder & contemplate that God's literal exhibited temporary patience & held back Holy retributionary wrath (anger) WON'T last 4ever like sand in a temporary hourglass as a footstool under HIS Holy feet = DON'T PISS HIM OFF!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
2 yr. ago
& if it's not the Teacher & education $ union's in ALL USA trying to indoctrinate & brainwash Jesus's Little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kid's-children-teens, then it's USA's Planned Parenthood trying 2 kill & murder them ALL 4 $ profit = ALL, etc USA-globally relatedly should B understatedly judicially & legally charged with Crimes against (fellow past since Adam & Eve-2 date) Humanity & it's NOT just against humanity but against ALL of eternal Heaven & Jesus, Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God, Holy Trinity. When Devil got defeated via Jesus's testing in desert, it deemed, it'd go after Jesus's next best thing, HIS Little 1's children-kids thru adults ie: LGBTQiA. But Jesus: If ANY adults keep ANY of these Little 1's from me, they'll NEVER see my Father.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
2 yr. ago
And now apparently the Vatican ie: Pope is gonna DECIDE 2 side with LGBTQiA say even against Holy Bible's Genesis 19, God's example 2 us all what & how (however) 2 literally handle those of LGBTQiA & misc else? FINE then even ALL of Vatican, etc globally R going 2 Hell after last breath (ie: on knees B4 jesus with their opened Heaven Life Record) as Hitler say once was but now in Hell screaming, 4EVER! SO B IT!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
2 yr. ago
NO LGBTQiA, NO Porn, raise & teach them right! And STOP abusing the Holy deemed symbol: RAINBOW, it was & is ONLY deemed 4 that God no flood the non human innocent Earth again! God (maid-janitor) destroyed THEIR ugh long ago & like weeds of garden = worse than ever! WE CLEAR?! THEIR trying 2 BRING BACK (just 2 spite God, like Devil) S & G ie: Genesis 19 that God destroyed = worse is Coming!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
2 yr. ago
LGBTQiA 2 words: GENESIS 19! < they, porn industry, etc past-2 date BROKE the moral codes set 4th by God! ABORTION SIMPLY FLAT OUT PREMEDITATED MURDER - Planned Parenthood past exposed videos of butchering human fetus 4 $ profit & R NOT suppose 2 literally exist: weeds of garden! Coming isn't gonna just B a CLEAN HOUSE with-of humanity but deliberate, careless, senseless evil & unholy literal, human incomprehensible CAN DO Russian roulette, sanitizing, purging weed's of a garden, global, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination by 2025.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity @lone_corpse_123
2 yr. ago
STOP (abortion 187-murder-killing) allowing this-that 2 happen 2 Jesus's Little 1's > When U hear THEY (the evil humans amidst us ALL globally) R coming after U're kids-children, here's why, 1 example via Holy Bible Genesis 19, but more so from the Holy Counsel of Holy Trinity. Huh LET ME MAKE-B CLEAR: God's set 4th morals = VALUES 'should B' of ALL humanity is SOLELY: 1 male-1 female = NO LGBTQiA via Genesis 19, HE destroyed S & G = setting the example of CEASING (human) weeds of garden via Holy Bible & ANY else R of Devil, NOT HIM! Holy truth is REAL!

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