SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
4 days ago
Like past-2date, humanity has-does evaded (escape or avoid nevertheless done-allowed by fools via-ie: cleverness or trickery, that no me = of truth & nothing 2 gain by lying 1 ANY 1) Holy intel truth misc else, of Holy Bible & Jesus-God & worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
7 days ago
As 2 note DUH, see right now, with tick tock 'Time' flying, WHAT misc R U (individually) doing via service of SELF deny Warrior representing-regulating 4 God's Well Being? Though 4 some as myself, frail old man & limited via me & no army, huh sigh U USA-global humanity NO know.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
7 days ago
& with tick tock momentary Time flying by daily 24/7 day-night, point 2 wrist watch-clock & draw left 2 right line = left is past, center is now & right is (better misc future? though via Holy Bible, worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns) B daily 24/7 swing (work) shifts 4 Jesus-God
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
10 days ago
& AGAIN as I share, with tick tock 'Time' flying-flies like with-of Trump-JD Vance etc Team's 365 days x 2 years = 730 days & x 4 years = 1,460 days & the clock is ticking 2 literally (try?) & UNDO misc (?) 50-100 years of corruption (?) etc else fill in blanks B4 Jesus-God.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
10 days ago
What is 59 sexually? Heteronormative (59): "59" is not a recognized sexual term, but "heteronormative" means assuming that heterosexuality is the standard and only "normal" sexual orientation, essentially implying that anything other than heterosexual relationships is not the norm and may be considered abnormal or less valued; it often involves the belief that gender is strictly binary (male and female) and that romantic relationships should only occur between people of opposite sexes.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
12 days ago
Sigh huh uh as with every tick tock 'Time' flying moment 24/7 day-night while (me) temporarily amidst U fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity & sense-notion of no know what 2 feel-think anymore but ONLY SELF deny caring solely alone about & 4 God's Well Being.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 days ago
& even with Luke 17:21-22, I NO need blockage, misc between me & Jesus-Holy Trinity. Yea church may B bride 2 Jesus but it's failed 2 date existential purpose MORE than ANY-U will admit-acknowledge, misc. 70 centuries-2 date tick tock 'time' flying = END Coming! WE CLEAR?! Holy info intel via Holy Counsel of-from Holy Trinity I put out-deliver 2 U humanity ie: Luke 9:24 = NONE SELF own NOTHING, Hebrews 11:1 WHAT faith IS & Luke 17:21-22 = Kingdom of God is in U individually, NOT in buildings ie: so called church & Vatican, of wood & stone. WE CLEAR?!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 days ago
& momentarily ponder SEE what happens over past history-2date 'Time' (flying) when things aren't maintained tight right-properly, talk about moments of uncertainty as more about-of lack of confidence than trust as YEA, Trump etc Team but I'm speaking more broadly sigh we'll see.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
14 days ago
AGAIN of God given a 2nd chance 2-of Trump-JD Vance Team 2 UNDO MUCH & clock is ticking via tick tock Time flying 365 days x 2 years = 730 days & x 4 years = 1,460 days of 24/7 day-night swing (work) shifts 2 get MUCH DONE cuz may B we NEVER have this chance again, DON'T screw up
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
14 days ago
SIGH huh uh & PLEASE, take literal serious = via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 NONE SELF own NOTHING ie: body-breath-Soul & notion of tomorrow is NOT EVER promised 2 NO 1 via-ie: tick tock 'Time' flying & CAN'T B UNDONE though notion of past history UGH repeating itself & worse Coming!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
14 days ago
& sigh huh uh however aside from-of past history ALL since dead but of 2datedaily tick tock 'Time' flying 24/7 day-night, ALL got individual assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven record B4 Jesus so ALL done 4 NOTHING when God Coming 2 scrap ALL anyway, (?) else fill in blanks worse coming
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
14 days ago
As with past history repeating itself of cause & effect repercussions thru 2date of UGH verbal saying, 'until the NEXT (tick tock 'Time' flying 24/7 day-night) episode' & via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation: worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns ie: END of this 1st longest TEST.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
16 days ago
& like fools out there saying-talking, 'until the NEXT (tick tock Time flying daily 24/7 day-night) episode' via past history-2date & STILL MUCH MORE worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns, GET READY FOR HELL (Coming) - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
Young Guns Movie CLIP - Get Ready for Hell (1988) HD - YouTube

Get ready for hell!

SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
16 days ago
& sigh huh uh like past history repeating-2date & despite worse coming long B4 Jesus returns via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation, WAIT 4 IT of ALL OUT USA-global RED bloody static snow on TV upon dying Earth VAST times over of bullets etc flying everywhere even long after me dead; & past history-2date is cuz of verbal talk NOISE & no-not doing enough of SELF deny Warrior representing-regulating 4 God's Well Being B4-AFTER past The Flood via Holy Bible (God's given 2nd chance 2 we humanity & STILL MUCH MORE worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns, YAW choice.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
As with daily tock tock 'Time' flying 24/7 day-night my eyes dazed having witnessed much 2 last 10 lifetimes & now a tired frail old dead man walking 4 a temporary Time & SELF can only self deny care about God's Well Being I mourn 4-un2 via HIS broken heart 4 all we've done etc.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
Sigh huh uh & YEA laws-mouths drop hitting the floor as saying goes ain't the truth a bitch ie: hard pill 2 swallow as with ALL past history thru 2date tick tock Time flying 24/7 day-night & STILL MUCH MORE worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
& sigh huh uh 4 a temporary misc matter of tick tock Time flying 24/7 day-night amidst static snow on TV of 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity of this 1st longest TEST period B4 my etc death & eventual Coming 1st judgment day B4 Jesus, me only care 4 God's Well Being.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
17 days ago
& sigh huh uh like past history repeating-2date & despite worse coming long B4 Jesus returns via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation, WAIT 4 IT of ALL OUT USA-global RED bloody static snow on TV upon dying Earth VAST times over of bullets etc flying everywhere even long after me dead
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
18 days ago
& so 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity just playing itself ie: static snow on TV from B4-PRIOR 2 past (The Flood ie: God's given 2nd chance 2 we humanity) via Holy Bible un2 STILL MUCH MORE tick tock 'Time' flying 24/7 day-night worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
18 days ago
& with pointing 2 wrist watch-clock & of left 2 right drawn line ie: left = past history, center = tick tock 'Time' flying now currently-presently 24/7 day-night & right = worse Coming long B4 Jesus of (future?) & any talk about trust-confidence (?) else B4 or after bullets fly?!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
18 days ago
SIGH huh uh like pointing 2 wrist watch-clock & of left 2 right drawn line ie: left = past history, center = tick tock 'Time' flying now currently-presently 24/7 day-night & right = worse Coming long B4 Jesus of (future?) & quietly LOOK at it (?) jaw hitting floor we FAIL God!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
18 days ago
& sigh huh uh like past history repeating-2date & despite worse coming long B4 Jesus returns via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation, WAIT 4 IT of ALL OUT USA-global RED bloody static snow on TV upon dying Earth VAST times over of bullets etc flying everywhere even long after me dead
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
18 days ago
& as with past history-2date tick tock 'Time' flying 24/7 day-night, me tired frail old dead man walking 4 a Time temporarily amidst U fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity, I'm already dead, just matter of Time eventually Coming. Jesus on Cross: we 'know NOT'!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
19 days ago
U fellow all USA-global connected whole (1) NECLEUS humanity sadly ALWAYS past historically-2date worse relying on God 2 play-exhibit B-ing YO-our maid-butler-janitor while humanity denies ALL God gave the Power-Authority 2 SELF deny Warrior represent-regulate 4 God's Well Being!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
19 days ago
U fellow all USA-global connected whole (1) NECLEUS human species sadly ALWAYS past historically-2date worse relying on God 2 play-exhibit B-ing YO-our maid-butler-janitor while (humanity) denies ALL God gave the Power-Authority 2 the MORE OF than THEM (& even then ANY R "EH", so what) 2 literally have ALL past-2date avoided = why thus via Jesus's word's = 'MORE will B in Hell than Heaven' after last breath-death 4 allowing ALL exhibited versus-as oppose 2 doing like set 4th (ie: maintain tight ie: housecleaning) example of Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's (handling Devil & 86-ed outta Heaven) & thus ALL past-2date WOULDN'T literally B & thus avoided 2date right now currently-presently tick tock 'Time' day & night 24/7 USA-globally!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
21 days ago
Point 2 YO wrist watch-clock & draw a left 2 right imaginary line in front of U: left is past history Time flies, center-in front of U is currently-presently right now tick tock Time flying & crimes against we humanity EH lessened 2 jaywalking, gonna B Coming USA-global massacre.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
21 days ago
Point 2 YO wrist watch-clock & draw a left 2 right imaginary line in front of U: left is past history (Time flies), center-in front of U is currently-presently right now tick tock Time flying & crimes against we humanity EH lessened 2 jaywalking, 2 MUCH 4 too long & worse Coming!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
21 days ago
Point 2 YO wrist watch-clock & draw a left 2 right imaginary line in front of U: left is past history (Time flies), center-in front of U is currently-presently right now tick tock 'Time' flying & crimes against we humanity EH lessened 2 jaywalking as via Holy Bible: worse Coming! As with say "The Matrix": 'with every beginning, there's a end' via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation, eventual Coming END of this 1st TEST period then 1st judgment day & who pass it R only 1's 2 go on 2 2nd-final TEST period: Jesus's 1000 year reign THEN 2nd-final JD, that's it!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
21 days ago
& say quietly point 2 YO wrist watch-clock & draw a left 2 right imaginary line in front of U: left is past history (Time flies), center-in front of U is currently-presently right now tick tock 'Time' flying & right is (future?) = ALL is cuz past-2date NOT maintained tight! & as though we R fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity no matter the past-2date Timer periods B4-after The Flood via Holy Bible: God's given 2nd chance 2 we humanity, I'm personally via MY assigned Heaven record going 2 Hell cuz of U ALL FAILURES, 4get U fools!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
21 days ago
As say quietly point 2 YO wrist watch-clock & draw a left 2 right imaginary line in front of U: left is past history (Time flies), center-in front of U is currently-presently right now tick tock 'Time' flying & right is (future?) & via Holy Bible = MUCH MORE worse Coming B4 Jesus.& noting Holy Bible fully translated in 700 languages & there's 7000 languages of 195 countries USA-globally = VIOLATION 2-of Mark 16:15 of this 1st longest TEST period B4 1st Coming judgment day, what ALL doing, why; when God gave ALL EVER needed & SEE all as is cuz we FAIL God!

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