SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
10 days ago
THEY of USA-global Power-Authority figure's, Deep State, military, etc fill in blank's R laughing in ALL OUR face's from a distance behind closed door's above & mile's down below ground cuz U ALL have got NO literal clue-idea what's Coming & it's ALL opposite of Holy Trinity but more so of Devil! The 430 Plus (number of individual USA federal $ corrupt, + else agencies) = ALL GONE ROGUE, including (security?) agencies - Deep State ie: FBi-CiA-NSA & etc TOP-down, USA-globally, United Nations, fill in blanks. & I'm NOT B/S-ing, my ALL SELF NON owned solely 4 Holy Trinity!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
10 days ago
BUT HEY, GO AHEAD, SCREAM YO DENIAL ie: SELF internally within gripped on2 (?) like a bad false security blanket! God is NOT a maid-janitor 4 us! HE DID The Flood-CEASED S & G via Genesis 19; HE'D not even have 2 EXHALE & ALL HE deems = OUT quicker than a candle & CAN literally, human incomprehensibly crumble ALL HE deems up like used piece of paper! GET it?! WE CLEAR?! DON'T piss HIM off!
Richard Meyerowich
10 days ago
Richard Swier
11 days ago
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
12 days ago
Humanity as a whole 'NECLEUS' species created in LESS than a day via Adam-Eve created only-solely 4 1 reason-purpose: 2 SELF denyingly care take of each other & (dying) Earth, NOTHING EVER off Earth, & what the point ie: some other planet when only gonna do ALL again?! SENSELESS! & sure may B I SHOULD B running (?) else of TOP USA-globally, Carl Gerhard Busch (William Bruce Davis)-the 1 smoking all the time (opposite 2 & of 'Fox Mulder'-X Files), Deep State: FBi-CiA-NSA; D-5 top highest security level clearance held by solely 25 (USA or globally)!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
12 days ago
Jesus spoke such a way though minimally understanding say ie: Holy Bible's Luke 12:51 = HE came 2 DIVIDE, NOT bring peace, MORE SO SELF human convict & still just NOTHING registers-can't B reasoned with, (+) = humanity (itself)! Jesus on Cross: we 'know NOT' & worse Coming! Like HIM: THEY (ALL adult humanity) know NOT what THEY'VE (ALL adult humanity) done = MORE '!!!' than U realize, misc! Ugh NOISE of-with verbal 1 liners like gripping (?) inside U like a bad, misc ugh (security?) blanket = naive, (+) of STUPID! God's wrath via HIS Broken heart (cuz of humanity) is MO welcoming 2 me & I rather stay nigh-near 2 HIS wrath = brings me comfort vs U ugh humanity!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
12 days ago
Re: USA's 2nd (gun's & weapon's) Amendment should be UNDERSTATEDLY, NON voluntary-NON optional 4 ALL capable USA-global adults: service in a well regulated militia; but even 2 date, like with (?, !) ALL else TOP-down globally, MORE of than THEM = NOTHING, then worse Coming. DON'T piss off God! USA's damn 2nd (gun's & weapon's) Amendment was created & given 4th 4 one primary, misc reason-purpose: 'service in a militia as a reason citizens have the right to keep and bear arms: well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State' = END THEM or Coming, THEY WILL END ALL DEAD!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
13 days ago
THIS IS 4 REAL, MAKE NO MISTAKE! THIS ALL USA-GLOBALLY LITERALLY ONLY ENDS 1 WAY; either THEY (fill in blanks-name THEM) FALL & R literally CEASED onsite OR ALL WILL B! Like USA TOP Power hand in 9/11 & DARPA with vaccines, THEIR 2 CEASE us ALL, CEASE THEM B4 THEY do us! Huh BUT HEY go on (humanity itself, 8 billion +, USA-globally) keep on screaming YO denial, clinging on2 YO internal within ugh (?, !) like some bad security blanket vs-when God gave Power-Authority 2 literally CEASE ALL (fill in blanks, U know) & past-2 date, look around.
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
14 days ago
& of 'influencer', me have past-2date via my various social media profiles & long time-2date have tried 2 reach out with attached copy of id email 2 securitymail.instagram.com, securitymail.instagram.com & supportinstagram.com 2 try & get PAST 'confirm id' website, me: https://www.instagram.com/...
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
14 days ago
& via God given Power-Authority 2 literally CEASE & force NON voluntary-NON optional 1 humanity 2-4 Holy Trinity despite, misc ALL U humanity's ugh SELF gripped on 2 internally within stuck on stupid like a bad (NON-SELF) security blanket = worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
15 days ago
& me & no army 4 God-Holy Trinity, ANY (wonder?) why I deem standing alone 4 HIM, why U-ANY think? ANY-ALL-U got NO idea-clue as U ALL in-denial screaming THAT like SELF gripping on2 (?) like bad internal within security blanket! Worse horror-nightmare Coming! I stand 4 HIM! With B-ing 'touched' via Holy Trinity & HIS Counsel 2 do daily Holy (delivery boy) advocacy via-ie: Holy creative intel-info output & as such I've SELF chosen 2 B celibate 2-4 HIM thus: I've exchanged 1 set of complications (ALL U humanity do, misc) 4 another (SELF deny 4 HIM)!
16 days ago
"Jake Sullivan, former National Security Advisor under Joe Biden, told NSC staffers to 'hold over' to the Trump White House to spy on and sabotage Trump just like they did in early 2017."

If true, this would be an actual act of insurrection and actionable under federal law.

This is the precise reason I have said all along that Trump needs to cull everyone from the Biden and Obama eas from the federal government. If they refuse to leave, reassign them to the US mission at the South Pole or deep into Alaska. There is no requirement for Trump to keep these Deep State bureaucrats on in the federal government, especially in their current roles.

The people voted a mandate for dismantling the bureaucratic Deep State, and damnit, it's time it gets done, all the political tricks be damned!!


#NSC #JakeSullivan #Staffers #CapitolHill #Insurrection #Government #Politics #Woke
Richard Swier
16 days ago
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
18 days ago
& WHAT? THAT 248 plus year (Constitution) dirty rag blowing in wind? Founding Fathers would order U ALL (adults born here) in USA SHOT onsite as THEY of Elites-Deep State, etc deem all B4 $ dead, we're running show now & Hitler NO do right, we're gonna do BETTER?! Worse Coming! U ALL USA-global MORE OF SELF grip on2 (?, ego, false in U conveyed-naive-gullible, misc-etc) like bad security blanket in U as-while Elites-Deep State, etc laugh it up at-with U R ALL dead already, tick tock 'Time' like past repeats itself! ME NO slave 2 NONE, CEASE, don't care!
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
19 days ago
Huh, screw all other security clearance level's, I TAKE A 'D-5' (Above the President, all military & civilian agencies, & who cares about NOTHING, NOT even SELF - but solely Holy Trinity ie: Holy Warrior Advocate), please & thank you - very much; Above Top Secret Security Clearances (U can copy & paste the below weblink in2 a NEW web window's TOP search address bar) - https://web.archive.org/we...
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
19 days ago
Huh, screw all other security clearance level's, I TAKE A 'D-5' (Above the President, all military & civilian agencies, & who cares about NOTHING, NOT even SELF - but solely Holy Trinity ie: Holy Warrior Advocate), please & thank you - very much; Above Top Secret Security Clearances (U can copy & paste the below weblink in2 a NEW web window's TOP search address bar) find on Archive dot org - https://web.archive.org/we...
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
19 days ago
Sigh huh uh & of-RE: not know who's who amidst security clear-ed misc of DOD-DNI-(?) else, DON'T-STOP-QUIT having wolves in sheep's clothing-lone wolves (?) misc infiltrating & archiving secrets on flash drives & working BOTH sides (good & evil) of law & ALL claim EH or clueless?
SELF denied Holy Warrior for Jesus Holy Trinity
19 days ago
& YEAH I JUST DID = U MORE OF 8 billion plus capable NON disabled adult straight-hetrosexual, alpha male's & beta female's of ALL human skin color race's USA-globally R in or NON deniably just as bad, misc else as LEFTIST'S, misc similarly related = U ALL in-denial, gullible-naive- adult juvenile's like a SELF bad internal within gripped on2 deemed (NON) security blanket 2 where after last breath-death B4 Jesus = 1's-YO rude surprise ANY gonna get via 1's-YO SELF own assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life convicting Record, only 2 eternally FEEL literally nightmarish pain-horror BURNING ALIVE screaming 4ever 4 ALL YO individual WHEN IN LIFE assigned Heaven Life convicting Record, hence, U ALL individually have FORCED Jesus's-God's Holy hand, huh DON'T try & pin ANY of this past-2date 2 worse Coming on HIM, OH NO, this is ALL OUR doing, NOT HIS!
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One America News
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