1 yr. ago
The fourth and final supermoon of 2023 rises tonight with the planet Neptune in the constellation Pisces, joined by Saturn with the globular clusters M15, M2 & M30 to the east and Jupiter & Uranus to the west, and is the first full moon following the autumnal equinox.
#HarvestMoonSupermoon #HarvestMoon #HarvestSupermoon #CornMoon #FallingLeavesMoon #Autumn #Supermoon2023 #Supermoon #Moon #Perigee #Astronomy
#HarvestMoonSupermoon #HarvestMoon #HarvestSupermoon #CornMoon #FallingLeavesMoon #Autumn #Supermoon2023 #Supermoon #Moon #Perigee #Astronomy
1 yr. ago
The third supermoon of 2023, and the Moon's closest approach to Earth this year, is in the sky with Saturn and Neptune for a second night as the calendar changes to the month of September. To the right of Saturn are the globular clusters M15, M2 and M30 in a vertical line across the constellation Aquarius, and Jupiter and Uranus are trailing the Moon. September 28-29 will be the fourth and final supermoon of 2023. #BlueMoonSupermoon #BlueMoon #BlueSupermoon #Supermoon2023 #Supermoon #Moon #Perigee #Astronomy