The Twitter outrage over Ricky Gervais's 'transphobic' new show is all too predictable – and entirely misplaced
#FreeSpeech #ProFreeSpeech #FreedomofSpeech #Netflix #Twitter #RickyGervais #TransMob #TransGang #TwitterStorm #TwitterOutrage #Trans #Transgender
Netflix is not anti-trans – it’s pro-freedom of speech
The Twitter outrage over Ricky Gervais's 'transphobic' new show is all too predictable – and entirely misplaced sci-fi novel has inspired 2022’s most ludicrous trans row. #TheMen by #SandraNewman
A sci-fi tale which empties the world of all Y chromosomes – men and trans women alike – has caused uproar before anyone has read it.
#TransMob #TransGang #TransAgenda #TransActivists #Chromosome #TransWomen #Trans #TransRow #Transgender
This sci-fi novel has inspired 2022’s most ludicrous trans row
A sci-fi tale which empties the world of all Y chromosomes – men and trans women alike – has caused uproar before anyone has read it #PervertedTransActivists #TransMob #TransGang #Trans #Transgender #TransActivists #Misogynists
Trans rights ‘activists’ give protesters a bad name
The horrible truth is that the gimps in masks believe themselves to be ‘progressive’ rather than cowardly anonymous misogynists Read the troubling story of how trans activists 'groomed' girl, 17, before she was helped to transition into a man after a ONE-HOUR 'gender clinic' consultation... and at 21 she wants to be FEMALE again
#TransMob #TransGang #PervertedTransActivists #DangerousTransActivists #Trans #Transgender #Gender #GenderClinic
Trans teenage girl given drugs to change into a man wants FEMALE life back transgender activists | Daily Mail Online
A troubled teenage girl who was provided drugs to gender reassign into a man following an hour-long consult with a 'gender clinic' is now fighting to reclaim her adult life as a woman.