Terry L. Clark @TerryLClark
1 yr. ago
Jean-Luc Picard: Do they know of our Prime Directive?

Data: They know everything I know, sir.

Jean-Luc Picard: And if we were to violate the Prime Directive...

Beverly Crusher: That's not a fair question.

Jean-Luc Picard: How would they react?

Data: That would be a case of judging us by our own rules, sir. If we violate our own Prime Directive they might consider us to be deceitful and untrustworthy. You do recall, they cautioned us not to interfere with their children below. What has happened?

Beverly Crusher: The Edo want to execute my son.

-Star Trek: The Next Generation
Season 1, Episode 8, "Justice"
Frank Seymour @fseymour
2 yr. ago
My fellow Americans, this is supposedly going to happen!!!! We don’t want or need this garbage! I suggest we ALL vote for the Republicans, or lose our FREEDOMS!

Biden’s “Executive Order 14067” could pave the way for a social credit system, just like China’s! Biden is in BED with China!

In China, if you say the wrong thing on Social media, you WILL get labelled as “untrustworthy”! They can take away your rights, ability to travel, access the net, deny you the best schools and this is all being readied to be started!

Biden’s new Order, will soon be seen as our new credit card system! It will give this corrupt government “TOTAL SURVEILLANCE” over the American people, just like they do in China!

This “Social Credit System” will be to keep US ALL “in line”!
Frank Seymour @fseymour
2 yr. ago
America, this is a repost of this TRAITOR Biden’s ongoing destruction of OUR country!

This is Biden trying to make OUR America subject to Communist China!

Biden to introduce “SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM” like China has!

Biden’s Executive Order 14067 could pave the way for a social credit system, just like China’s!

In China, if you say the wrong thing social media, forget to pay a bill, or even play music to loud… you get labelled as “untrustworthy!

They can then take away your ability to travel, restrict your internet access… and deny your family the best schools or jobs.

All this is going on right now, thanks to Biden’s new Order!

If Biden’s corruption continues, America becomes a total “surveillance state,” just like China!

I strongly suggest, everyone VOTE straight GOP!
Frank Seymour @fseymour
2 yr. ago
America, this is the White House trying to make OUR America subject to Communist China!

Biden to introduce “SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM” like China has!

America, Biden’s Executive Order 14067 could pave the way for a social credit system, just like China’s!

In China, if you say the wrong thing social media, forget to pay a bill, or even play music to loud… you get labelled as “untrustworthy!

They can then take away your ability to travel, restrict your internet access… and deny your family the best schools or jobs.

All this is going on right now, thanks to Biden’s new Order!

SOON, if Biden’s corruption continues, we’ll see America become a total “surveillance state,” just like China!

America, these SOCIALISTS must be stopped! Vote straight GOP!
Frank Seymour @fseymour
2 yr. ago
America, Biden’s Executive Order 14067 is paving the way for a social credit system just like China’s!

In China, if you say the wrong thing on social media, forget to pay a bill, or even play music too loud…you get labelled as “untrustworthy!”
They can then take-away your ability to travel…restrict your internet access…and deny your family the best schools or jobs!

All of this is going on right now, America! Thanks to Biden’s “illegal” order 14067! at this rate, we, America will soon be a total “surveillance state,” just like China!
Biden is illegally in OUR White House and these cowards in Congress refuse to honor their Oaths and enforce our Constitution!

China’s social credit system will be introduced to keep us all “in line”.
Mary Bourne @MaryBourne
2 yr. ago
UNTRUSTWORTHY ... https://youtu.be/bzyJERBop...
FBI Director Christopher Wray concerned about threats against agents after raid on Trump residence - YouTube

FBI Director Christopher Wray concerned about threats made against all law enforcement agents after raid on Trump residence

Joseph Zacharko @Gubernaculum
2 yr. ago
Survey Shows America Has Least-Trusted Media on Planet Earth


Ant Crow @OldByrd
2 yr. ago
I am getting up there now and it is amazing to a guy who grew up with black and white TV and huge antennae on the roof, that had to be put back up in storms, how far this world has come since 1948. 1968 I was on my way to Vietnam, yet another amazing thing as I came home unscathed . . . physically. (But for a messed up back but that's another story.)

People have changed more drastically with the advent of the internet than anytime before. I've been considering this for some time and the more tentacles the internet threw out among us the more paranoid and untrusting people got. Untrustworthy balances that last out nicely.

My first association with computers was in the service. Univacs as large as industrial freezers and reel to reel magnetic tapes. All very hush hush back then. What it did for us I still won't speak of. got a lot of the enemy taken out.

It is, as I stated, amazing and quite unexpected as to the populations reaction to all of this.

Call this part one . . . ?
Pharos Project @PharosProject
3 yr. ago

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