alexbloodfire @alexbloodfire
2 yr. ago
Mocking women on the podiums of their own sport!

Jo Smith, the real winner, relegated to third place by two cheats.

#SaveWomensSport #WomensSport #SaveGirlsSport #TransAgenda #TransCheats #TransFascism #NoPride #MenAreNotWomen #TransWomenAreMen
alexbloodfire @alexbloodfire
2 yr. ago
Prime Minister Boris Johnson says 'biological males' should not compete in female sport and venues should have women only spaces!

#IStandWithBorisJohnson #BorisJohnson #PrimeMinister #SaveWomensSport #SaveGirlsSport #WomensSport #Sport #Gender
alexbloodfire @alexbloodfire
3 yr. ago
US Rep Vicky Hartzler was suspended from Twitter on Monday for saying:

“Women’s sports are for women, not men pretending to be women.”

#VickyHartzler #Twitter #FreeSpeech #Trans #WomensSport #SaveWomensSport #GenderIdeology
alexbloodfire @alexbloodfire
3 yr. ago
Allowing trans athletes in women's sport part of 'agenda' to 'cancel biological women'

"It's physically more dominant participants that are overriding the women who train so hard but just purely because of physical differences, are being relegated to second place." - #SenatorHollieHughes

#SkyNews #SaveWomensSport #SaveFemaleSport #SaveGirlsSport #Trans #WomensSport #Transgender #Trans #TransAgenda #Sport #HollieHughes
Allowing trans athletes in women's sport part of 'agenda' to 'cancel biological women' - YouTube

Liberal Senator Hollie Hughes says a recently introduced bill which would enable the exclusion of transgender athletes from single-sex sporting competitions ...

alexbloodfire @alexbloodfire
3 yr. ago
UPenn's Lia Thomas dominates yet another race, taking first in 100yd final at Ivy League Championships

As sports expert claims transgender swimmer SUPPRESSED 'her' performance during another race to make 'her' advantage look less obvious

#SaveWomensSports #LiaThomas #IvyLeague #Trans #IvyLeagueChampionships #RossTucker #PennCheats #WomensSport #Sport
alexbloodfire @alexbloodfire
3 yr. ago
Female competitors and swim teams would send a “powerful message” by refusing to compete against ‘transgender’ swimmer Lia Thomas.

Lia Thomas was a “mediocre swimmer in the men’s team” but Thomas is now “smashing records in the women’s competition”.

#SkyNews #SaveWomensSport #SaveGirlsSport #Transgender #Trans #WomensSport #Swimming #LiaThomas #Sport #SwimTeams #FemaleCompetitors #RitaPanahi

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