6 hours ago
& why my gettr DOT com/user/lonehuman123 (1 of my dailys social media profiles not reflect my other dailys) is cuz GETTR chooses 2 limit users daily usage VS my other limiteds profiles due 2 various & instagram cuz of long time confirm id issue, ugh, whatever, moving on . . .
6 hours ago
THIS (human life experience) ie: 1st LONGEST test period B4 1st judgment day is needed as with God just wanted 2 create something thus TEST 'it' (YO Soul via ALL of YO human-ness) B4 ANY 1 let-allowed in2 Heaven. & AGAIN, please 'resonate with' (FEEL with God's stand-view point that HE NO wants just ANY 1 in Heaven thus 1st TEST 'it' (1's eternal Soul while in a temporary human dust ash corpse physical body) & is assigned a WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record.
7 hours ago
Trump-JD Vance etc Team 4 365 days x 2 years = 730 days & x 4 years = 1,460 days & the clock is ticking 'Time' 24/7 day-night let's make it count 4 Jesus-God versus ugh past history, long way 2 go & short Time 2 get there - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
7 hours ago
Sigh Coming this whole place, everything (everywhere USA-globally), it's just GONE as with exhibited 2 MUCH-4 to long past-2 date & with Coming sole END only 1 way = 2 little, 2 late 2 change, hence having crossed the (Jeremy Lee Renner: CAN'T B UNDONE) line-point of literally NO RETURN & it's deemed nevertheless, "EH, 4EVER" - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
7 hours ago
Long, Long way to go (us, WE = humanity) – (there’s various one’s U can search & choose from say on YouTube but here’s one) - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
8 hours ago
TRUE Spirit, & I wish something's were THAT-this easy, SIGH YEAH, there's ONLY 1 Cap Steven Grant Steve Rogers (Christopher Robert Evans) but as it's been said, 1's NEVER truly gone as long as 1 remembers them! HOOHA-Yippee Ki‐Yay - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
8 hours ago
As however, Holy Majesty-Master, retributionary Eyes of Fire, King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & eternal Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity NEVER said this 1st longest TEST period B4 1st Coming judgment day B easy & is a fine line 2 walk sigh.
8 hours ago
So then ANY 1 CAN see why then God NO just lets-allows in2 Heaven ANY 1 & instead must 1st B tested-tried & then judged via 1's individual WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record, hence, 1st a long test period, then a 2nd shorter test period with 2 judgment day's there afterwards each test period, with each individual having a assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record 2 B reviewed 2 see if it measures up 2 the Holy standards of Holy Trinity. ALL is Holy archived-recorded-documented & SURE, there's 1's own individual assigned Heaven Life Record & separately the Lamb's Book of Life, BUT THAT-this book is just a book of individual's name's who R approved of 4 entry in2 Heaven BUT if 1's own individual assigned Heaven Life Record no exhibits proper, then 1 can 4get about their individual named B-ing in the Lamb's Book of Life.
8 hours ago
So then ANY 1 CAN see why then God NO just lets-allows in2 Heaven ANY 1 & instead must 1st B tested-tried & then judged via 1's individual WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record, hence, 1st a long test period, then a 2nd shorter test period with 2 judgment day's there afterwards each test period, with each individual having a assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record 2 B reviewed 2 see if it measures up 2 the Holy standards of Holy Trinity.
8 hours ago
BUT as with past previously mentioned-shared-posted, God having given ALL EVER needed 2-of 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself 2 B 1 thing & instead has-have B-come another-something else, SIGH HUH, there truly can B literally NO other way, a) solely alone--ONLY Holy Trinity's Will must-will B done, NO matter if humanity (change? 2 proper B-ing as it was suppose 2 B) or not (more predictably), either way, this 1st LONGEST human life test period of 2 will END & thus Coming will B the 1st of 2 judgment day's B4 the 2nd-final human life test period's, THAT of Jesus's 1,000 year reign, where thereof Jesus will B the 1 in which 2 lead, misc thereof, hence, a pre deal prior 2 ANY such actual entry in2 eternal, Holy, Timeless Heaven.
8 hours ago
& instead SELF allows itself 2 B swayed away (directed in 1 direction or another, misc else, fill in blank's) from Holy Trinity as with thereof via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations: 2 HUMAN LIFE TEST period's & 2 judgment day's = VAST won't succeed the 1st judgment day & the FEW who will-do, R the ONLY 1's 2 thereof THEN actually B granted entry-let-allowed-welcomed in2 eternal, Holy, Timeless Heaven while the VAST will, as with having SELF individually chosen & as a result = spend endless eternity in nightmarish pain-horror Hell & BURN ALIVE screaming along with DEFEATED & 86-ed outta Heaven Devil & likewise fallen 4EVER! As with a understatement, it-this 1st of 2 HUMAN LIFE TEST period NEVER had NOR suppose 2 B like THIS past historically-2date.
8 hours ago
SIGH huh uh & THOUGH MUCH NOISE past history thru 2date, having witnessed much 2 last 10 lifetimes, all I hear (however) is Crickets I might as well really B chatting un2 B4 Jesus-God despite worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns after I'm gone (passed-dead) eventually Coming.
9 hours ago
& so via ALL eternally knowing 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity having tried 2 reason, misc else fill in blanks with 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself aside from tick tock limited temporary 'Time' ie: sand in hourglass notion from literally within God HIMSELF amidst this 1st LONGEST of 2 HUMAN LIFE TEST period's via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations, the notion of with every beginning, there is a END & it's Coming, hence, this 1st LONGEST of 2 HUMAN LIFE TEST period's B4 Coming - the 1st biggest, worse 4 VAST volume of humanity of 2 judgment day's via 1's SELF own individual assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life CAN B-do convictable-convicting Record. There must B handled out punishment's & rewards 2 individual's based on 1's own Record.
9 hours ago
SIGH huh uh &-like past late RIP fellow human Bro-Brother, just another Son of Adam & Eve, Rodney Glen King, "Can't we all (fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity) just get along" like Billy Graham said, a Black man helped Jesus carry HIS Cross - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
9 hours ago
Like HUD's locales housing authorities ETC fill in blanks deeming, "Slumlords all we have 2 work with" like past-2date LGBTQiA & sex porn industry against Holy Bible & God's Well Being despite HE set example via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 so FINE, worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns!
9 hours ago
& like allowed-done riddled up real estate industry of slumlords code violations substandard housing NO legal right 2 literally exist NEITHER does (LGBTQiA NOR sex porn industry via God set example ie: Holy Bible's Genesis 19) BUT HEY worse coming long B4 Jesus returns; REAP IT!
9 hours ago
Huh 2 SELF deem, "How can my own (fellow HUMAN) species do this (ALL past historically-2date despite STILL worse Coming) when God just wanted 2 create something?" Sigh. Remember beginning of 2007 film-movie "The Mist", huh ALL DEAD B4 they even knew what hit them, my point: screwing around with what, misc NOT suppose 2 B = huh YA ALL just NEVER learn despite amidst thereof tick tock 'Time' CAN'T B UNDONE cause & effect as with 2 MUCH past historically-2date 4 2 long & Coming 2 little 2 late!
10 hours ago
Sigh I NO missing out on NOTHING out there of NOISE ie: like via Holy Bible's fools of Exodus 32 aside from fools of Matthew 21:12, sigh whatever, fine, so B it, "EH", I'm here until I'm not eventually Coming tick tock 'Time' 24/7 day or night; worse coming long B4 Jesus returns.
10 hours ago
& Jews R God's chosen via-ie: given HONOR suppose 2 have past-2date set the standard 4 ALL right-proper, not Gentiles BUT & we Gentiles unsuccessfully pick up slack 4 them? OH worse is SO Coming long B4 Jesus returns & we ALL REAP God's wrath-anger 4 ALL done-allowed against HIM!
10 hours ago
& YEA Jews R God's chosen via-ie: given HONOR but with past-2date of FAILED (secular, LGBTQiA (?) else amidst them) & we Gentiles (unsuccessfully) pick up slack 4 them? OH worse is SO Coming long B4 Jesus returns & we ALL REAP God's wrath-anger 4 ALL done-allowed against HIM!
10 hours ago
& like past history repeating itself 2 worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns of a daily "EH" reality kill or B killed ALL out USA-global murder-suicide-mutiny sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination Russian roulette via ENERGY WEAPONS ETC
10 hours ago
& like past history repeating itself 2 worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns of a daily "EH" reality kill or B killed ALL out USA-global murder-suicide-mutiny sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination, Russian roulette & ALL ENDS ONLY 1 WAY
11 hours ago
2 do the 9 month process thing only 2 have 1 never known what been born in2 & via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation as God NO let-allow in just ANY 1 in2 Heaven: 2 TEST periods & 2 judgment days & with past history-2date & STILL MUCH MORE worse coming long B4 Jesus returns, sigh...
11 hours ago
Sigh huh uh & YEA laws-mouths drop hitting the floor as saying goes ain't the truth a bitch ie: hard pill 2 swallow as with ALL past history thru 2date tick tock Time flying 24/7 day-night & STILL MUCH MORE worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation!
11 hours ago
& Holy Bible's Mark 16:15 DONE since past double digit AD Time period & 2date 2,025 AD & Holy Bible only fully translated in 700 languages when there's 2date 7000 languages USA-globally of 195 countries etc SO what's ALL past-2date doing despite worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns
11 hours ago
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11 hours ago
Sigh huh uh as with past history-2date just more daily tick tock Time flies 24/7 day-night swing shifts of going thru motions & verbal noise of static snow on TV with births & deaths even as worse coming long B4 Jesus returns via Holy Bible's Book of Revelation & FINAL END Coming
11 hours ago
& sigh huh uh nevertheless with past history-2date & amidst of & after I'm gone (dead) of worse coming long B4 Jesus returns, I'm just temporarily here until I'm not (tick tock Time flies 24/7 day-night) as nothing about me, only God's Well Being, Jesus do with me as HE will.
11 hours ago
& 4 me 2 self alone quietly point 2 wrist watch-clock & draw left 2 right line: left = past, center = now tick tock Time flies 24/7 day-night & right = (future?) of worse Coming long B4 Jesus returns like past late RIP Kyle Reese: "This whole place, all of it, everything, is just GONE
11 hours ago
SIGH DAMN U ALL USA-global humanity straight 2 Hell after last breath 4 STILL ALLOWING ALL this B4 Holy Trinity like fool's long ago historically PRIOR 2 The Flood thru 2date (year) AD ie: 2,024 & literally NOTHING right-proper 2 show 4 itself B4 God-Holy Trinity like U ALL weed's of garden only 2 literally B thrown in2 the eternal fire's of Hell 4ever! SIGH HUH SO B IT! HUH OH if I had a army 2 CLEAN HOUSE, U USA-global humanity WOULDN'T ever know what hit U as 2 B literally done, no verbal words, misc else JUST DONE & witness number of 8 billion drop very quickly including of TOP Global Elite's-Deep State, etc fill in blank's huh I DON'T care cuz it's God-Holy Trinity that will & is gonna literally END ALL of humanity Coming 4 FAILING HIM & STILL (now) B-ing weeds of garden of a species! So B it!