#BrowardCounty #Florida #policemisconduct #Police #Misconduct #Malfeasance #Lies #Incompetence #WrongPerson #MistakenIdentity #Identity #ArrestWarrant #Warrant #FalseArrest #WrongfulArrest #WrongfulImprisonment #JailConditions #Jail #InstituteForJustice #FourthAmendment #civilrights #Lawsuit #Law
Wrong Mom Arrested on Christmas Eve | 75 Hour Jail Nightmare | Help Her Get Justice - The Civil Rights LawyerThe Civil Rights Lawyer
What was supposed to be a joyous Christmas celebration turned into a nightmare for Jennifer Heath Box, when Broward County, Florida, sheriff’s deputies arrested her and threw her in jail for three days—all because they refused to check their paperwork to make sure they had the right person. Because ..
#FourthAmendment #ReasonableSuspicion #Ballance #Gaines #AnonymousTip #WeGotACall #PapersCheck #FailureToIdentify #DefundThePolice #policemisconduct #SearchAndSeizure #WrongfulArrest #NewMexico #civilrights #Law
Law Student ARRESTED | Then Quickly RELEASED! - The Civil Rights LawyerThe Civil Rights Lawyer
A New Mexico law student, who has already been featured in an Audit the Audit Youtube video for cops harassing him at the entrance to his dorm room, has now been arrested in another unrelated incident. However, once the supervisor showed up, the student was quickly released with an apology. They end..