Twisted Eagle @TwistedEagle49
1 yr. ago
??From Hunter Biden’s Laptop to you. This Dossier by MarcoPolo non-profit compromising President Joe Biden. ➡️ https://www.marcopolousa.o...

✅ MarcoPolo counted 459 Violations in Federal and State Laws & Regulations—all implicating the entire Biden Crime Family. Just to mention a few:
✔️ Money Laundering
✔️ Foreign Agent Registration Act
✔️ Prostitution
✔️ Human Trafficking (3 confirmed cases)
✔️ Lobbying Violations
✔️ Conspiracy of the Above
✔️ This email database as well: https://bidenlaptopemails....
Joseph Zacharko @Gubernaculum
2 yr. ago
Soldier Goes To Order Taco Bell Meal, Stops Cold When He Hears 2 Boys

This is why America is great! This is why I get so angry at biden for helping the criminals flooding our borders and all the free stuff they get! When this man retires, our current Admin will just shit all over him and let him and his family live on the streets. While illegals $4 k month plus freebies for illegally crossing our border! HOW CAN YOU NOT BE MAD AND HATE BIDEN?
#BidenSucks #BidenCrimeFamily #BidenPedophile #JoeBiden

Soldier buys kids dinner LTC Robert Risdon - YouTube

I was in a taco bell tonight when two kids came in trying to sell home made desserts for money. I over heard a soldier ask the kids if they were hungry and t...

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