#StreetCopTraining #PoliceTraining #Malfeasance #Misconduct #Corruption #Discrimination #ExcessiveForce #racism #RacialBias #Bias #Sexism #Denigration #Dehumanization #Interrogation #SmallTalk #TrafficStop #WrongfulArrest #EvidenceSuppression #CriminalAppeal #Appeal #FirstAmendment #FourthAmendment #DefundThePolice #civilrights #CriminalJustice #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
Cop Training Seminar EXPOSED on VIDEO | 1000's of Cops Nationwide Involved! - The Civil Rights LawyerThe Civil Rights Lawyer
The New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller recently published a scandalous report detailing private for-profit police training of 1000's of police officers from around the country that, among other things: promoted the use of unconstitutional policing tactics for motor vehicle stops; glorif..
#FourthAmendment #ReasonableSuspicion #Ballance #Gaines #AnonymousTip #WeGotACall #PapersCheck #FailureToIdentify #DefundThePolice #policemisconduct #SearchAndSeizure #WrongfulArrest #NewMexico #civilrights #Law
Law Student ARRESTED | Then Quickly RELEASED! - The Civil Rights LawyerThe Civil Rights Lawyer
A New Mexico law student, who has already been featured in an Audit the Audit Youtube video for cops harassing him at the entrance to his dorm room, has now been arrested in another unrelated incident. However, once the supervisor showed up, the student was quickly released with an apology. They end..
#OkaloosaCounty #Florida #SuppressedAssaultAcorn #AssaultAcorn #DefundThePolice #PoliceBrutality #PublicEndangerment #TunnelVision #MindControl #psychology
Florida Deputy Resigns After Mistaking Acorn for Gunshot and Opening Fire on Own Patrol Car with Suspect Inside: "Shot's Fired... I'm Hit!" ..
A deputy from the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office, identified as Jesse Hernandez, has resigned following an internal investigation into an officer-involved shooting incident that took place on November 12 in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
#RedSpeed #SpeedCamera #Jonesboro #ClaytonCounty #Georgia #Entrapment #LegalizedTheft #Extortion #DefundThePolice #Speeding #SchoolZone #JustUs #Kickback #Corruption #Government
City will reimburse ticketed drivers after FOX 5 I-Team finds glitch in speed cameras
Hundreds of drivers received tickets they didn't deserve near two Jonesboro schools, and after the FOX 5 I-Team discovered a glitch in some automated speed cameras, the city plans to give drivers their money back.