3 yr. ago
What sort of a country has #Scotland become?

I cannot believe we're forcing our little girls to use inhumane unisex school toilets!

All in the name of a perverted trans ideology!

#ForWomenScotland #GenderNeutralLavatories #toilets #School #TransIdeology #GenderIdeology
3 yr. ago
#SNP costs taxpayers £150,000 after failed attempt to ‘redefine’ women to include 'transgender' people!

#Scottish Tory MSP says the Government’s ‘poor law-making’ and decision to ‘defend faulty legislation’ has come at an unacceptable price!

#NicolaSturgeon #TransAgenda #Trans #Transgender #ForWomenScotland #MeghanGallacher #Scotland
3 yr. ago
Great News SNP Scottish Ministers have lost!

An attempt by SNP ministers to “redefine the meaning of women” to include people born as males has been ruled unlawful by the Scottish courts in a landmark victory for feminist campaigners.

For Women Scotland have won their appeal to stop the Scottish Government from redefining women!

#Trans #TransAgenda #ForWomenScotland #Scotland #SNP #SNPMinisters #ScottishCourts #LandmarkVictory #ScottishMinisters #AdultHumanFemale #RealityMatters

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