Alexander Rogge
7 days ago
Alexander Rogge
10 months ago
GA Log Cabin GOP
1 yr. ago
Another Arizona election called into question https://arizonasuntimes.co...
Alex Jones
2 yr. ago
Media Malfeasance: Legacy Media Pushes Yet Another Hoax https://www.infowars.com/p...
Alex Jones
2 yr. ago
Red Wave or Red Wedding? — Media Malfeasance Election Edition https://www.infowars.com/p...
Alex Jones
2 yr. ago
Will Media Malfeasance Inspire A Red Wave? https://www.infowars.com/p...
Ministry Of Truth
2 yr. ago
Armed Cartel driver passes State Trooper in Phoenix
Nothing to see here, folks. Resident Biden has everything under control.
Looks like a .50 caliber BMG, which is illegal for a foreign national to possess on U.S. soil. Now you know why we have the 2nd Amendment. Lock and load whenever necessary.

Reasons like this are why we should get rid of the FBI & the ATF altogether. They should ALL be fired! Every last one of them, for malfeasance and dereliction of duty.
Frank Seymour
3 yr. ago
America, this info comes from a retired Army General Michael Flynn!

"If Joe Biden was one of my subordinates, I would immediately relieve him of Command and court-martial him!”

“We’ve gone beyond just weak leadership, bad leadership, or even failed leadership!”

Ret.Capt. Robert Cornicelli is exactly the leader we need in Congress.

Biden and his negligent leadership are pushing America into third-world status. How can a country as prosperous as ours be out of baby formula in almost half of the country?

These aren’t gaffes, but intentional malfeasance to bring about radical LEFTIST change in our country! It’s imperative we get Robert elected to Congress to stopping Biden’s march to destruction!

We must take back Congress to stop Biden and Pelosi! It's imperative we elect ALL Republicans in November! Anything short of electing these ex-military candidates will hurt our country!
Andy Crow
3 yr. ago
Election Fraud. I think it goes without saying that the mid-terms will be fraught with lying, harvesting, cheating and all types of malfeasance. I've heard nothing from any politician on this including republicans and the ever doubtful Mitch McConnell. One would think that republicans would get out ahead of this wouldn't one?

I would like to speak of what to do next but certain thoughts I shall not post here. I feel I am not alone in these thoughts but that is because I am not an original on this planet. Unlike Obama, the universe does not revolve around me. I have that to be thankful for.
The Kevin Jackson Network
3 yr. ago
Ep. 20-477 - Fraud and Malfeasance #kevinjackson https://www.spreaker.com/u...

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